Monday, November 9, 2015
Survivor Confusion...over
Those of you who know me here..know, I tend to put it out there the way I see it..or feel it so to speak. I have found over the years of blogging that others often can relate. I am kinda hoping that that is the case with this post. I am a bit nervous about putting this one out there. But last week I said I needed to get through this part of after cancer stuff and that I would let fly with truth of it. So here I go....
Many years ago I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was sunny and hot..and sunny and a little less hot. Basically a golfers, swimmers..summer lovers paradise. Unfortunately..I am a cold weather..fall, winter, early spring kinda gal. There is an unspoken social pressure in places like Arizona to always be busy outside doing something. Being inside hiding and knitting is well..frowned upon a bit. I find this to be a metaphor for cancer survivors.. for myself and so many fortunate others.
You survived cancer, you should be: happy, joyful, relaxed, doing new things, out playing, forget about stressful stuff, screw work, live your life to the fullest, get out there in the sunshine and play metaphoric golf.
Now, don't get me wrong..I completely agree with all of that. Except well..there is still the need to provide food for my family, pay bills and be a responsible adult. I don't have the luxury of being cared for. I am guessing many cancer survivors are in the same boat. That and the massive anxiety that the whole process has left me with. Despite the miracle of being amazingly and delightfully here, we still have life to deal with. So, in my head all that sounds well...whiney!! Like I need to serve up a whopping plate of cheese and crackers to go along with all that whine. I hate that! The badass part of myself screams..put your big girl panties on and deal already. My muse..well..
"Uhm..Sarah...yup have your attention..been there, done this right? The badass, strong woman who takes it all on and keeps everyone's head above she tried to drown herself. Remember that..all the stress that brought you to you knees? Yup time to find a new way to fly! A more gentle way to fly hon."
The problem is..I am completely at a loss as to how to do this. I meditate, I knit, I read, I watch movies..not enough artwork of late..that has to change. I am working way to much and sleeping poorly. Life here on this island is stressful in ways that I have not really talked about, and is truly putting undo pressure on me. Things have to change. I am struggling to find balance. If you know me..that makes me crazy, the lack of balance.
Ok so what is my point here? Those of us who have survived this nasty beast, cancer, are well aware that we are under social pressure to be delightful happy all the time, eating perfectly, and enjoying our life to the fullest on a daily basis. Believe me that is exactly what we want to be doing. We are keenly, and beautifully gifted with the knowledge cancer survivorship gives us..we know what death looks like now. Not that fuzzy kinda is real, and cold, and mind awakening. We get that now. The struggle is in the balance between that new and beautiful knowledge and having to live life. So this week...that is what I am wrestling to become the new me who takes good care of herself and manages to keep the family afloat at the same time.
I am working towards looking a bit more like this....and feeling more like well..a relaxed, unwound kinda me! Deep I go!
Thank you for popping by..would love any input, thoughts or ideas!
Namaste all, Sarah :)
I wish I had some sage advice to offer, but I know you will get there and you won't be alone. It's something I'm striving for as well and I won't let this feeling beat me, so I'll be holding your hand as you go forward.x
ReplyDeleteThank you have been through a great deal yourself..holding your hand right back. ♡♡
DeleteI guess the question that needs to be answered for yourSelf is, "What does eating and living healthy truly mean to you? What does a relaxed, unwound kinda me, really seem to be for you?"
ReplyDeleteAnd, stop giving a effin' fig about what people think of you and the decisions you make. Stop caring because others don't understand when you make a decision and need to take a mid-course correction! Stop allowing yourSelf to be defined by those who don't support your right to change your mind and live your life.
Always you Holly! There is a great deal of wisdom in these words. I have struggled to determine who has my back...out here. It is time for change! Thank you ♡♡♡
DeleteI agree with Holly. Stop worrying about what others think. Do what you feel is right to do, not what others think is right for you.
ReplyDeleteWish you had a better support system with you. Wishing I had one too. I'm struggling with a spouse who is resentful of my health issues as he feels his is worse and more important.
I completely understand that! Thank you hon♡♡ here is to better for us both. Wish I was closer! Heeding Holly's words! Huge hugs
DeleteThere is an idea of how we should/could be, but the real question is can we be with what we are feeling and experiencing. I agree with Holly, don't care what other people think.
ReplyDeleteMaybe find things that make you feel good. massaging your feet, swimming in the sea, drawing a deer ;-), taking a walk, whatever feels good to you.
sending love and light as you find your way.
Working on that..thank you hon. Your pictures have long been a source of joy to they are also a source of comfort. Huge hugs
DeleteAnd deer lol...of course ;)
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DeleteThank you for sharing such a beautiful post. I,too agree with Holly. What do you envision? Embrace your beautiful Self; you know the way.
ReplyDeleteI love the look of your blog :-)
Thank you Hon :)
ReplyDeleteFirst time visiting, hello! :)
ReplyDeleteHello :) thanks for popping by!!
DeleteHello :) thanks for popping by!!
DeleteVětšina rakovin prostaty jsou adenokarcinomy, rakoviny, které se vyskytují v žlázových buňkách epiteliální tkáně prostaty. Rakoviny prostaty obvykle postupují pomalu a v počátečních stádiích nevyvolávají žádné příznaky. Nakonec se nádor může zvětšit stejně jako použití miny, prostaty, přitlačení na močovou trubici a způsobení bolestivé nebo časté močení a krve v moči. Takže jsem byl s touto rakovinou prostaty tak nepříjemný, pak jsem se rozhodl udělat online hledání toho, jak vyléčit rakovinu, protože jsem si hodně přečetl o bylinném léku, narazil jsem na mnoho svědectví o tom, jak doktor Itua vyléčí HIV / herpes, pak Rakovina byla uvedené pod komentářem. S odvahou jsem kontaktoval doktora Ituu a poslal mi jeho bylinné léky prostřednictvím kurýrní služby, pak mě požádali, abych si ho vyzvedl na své poště, což jsem rychle udělal. Kontaktoval jsem doktora Ituu, že jsem obdržel bylinné léky, takže mě poučil o tom, jak ho pít tři týdny, a tak doktor Itua bylinné medicíny vyléčí můj karcinom prostaty. Léčba trvá tři týdny a byl jsem úplně vyléčen. Dr. Itua je bůh poslaný a děkuji mu každý den mého života. Kontaktujte ho nyní na: E-mail: Whatsapp: +2348149277967.
ReplyDeleteVypsal, že dokáže také vyléčit následující nemoci níže ... Mozkové amidy. Rakovina plic, rakovina mozku, rakovina jícnu, rakovina žlučníku, gestační trofoblastická choroba, rakovina hlavy a krku, Hodgkinův lymfom, střevní rakovina, rakovina ledvin, leukémie, rakovina jater, melanom, mezoteliom, mnohočetný myelom, neuroendokrinní nádory, Hodgkinův lymfom, rakovina ústní dutiny, Rakovina vaječníků, rakovina sinusů, sarkom měkkých tkání, rakovina páteře, rakovina žaludku, rakovina semenníků, rakovina krku, rakovina štítné žlázy, rakovina dělohy, rakovina vaginální, rakovina vulvární. Alzheimerova choroba, autismus, spalničky, tetanus, černý kašel, tuberkulóza, detská obrna a adrenokortikální karcinom. Alma, rakovina dělohy, rakovina prsu, alergická onemocnění. Rakovina ledvin, Love Spell, Glaukom., Katarakta, Makulární degenerace, Kardiovaskulární onemocnění, Plícní onemocnění.Zamčená prostata, Osteoporóza.Generalizovaná dermatitida, Alzheimerova nemoc, Mozkový nádor, Lupus, Rakovina endomertilu, cerebrovaskulární choroby
Demence. Kolorektální karcinom, loterijní kouzlo, rakovina močového měchýře, rakovina kůže, rakovina vaječníků, rakovina pankreatu, HIV / AIDS, nádor na mozku, herpes, non-Hodgkinův lymfom, zánětlivé onemocnění střev, Copd, cukrovka, hepatitida