
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unicorn Woods Complete! it "Unicorn Woods"! I do like this that ok to say? More that I like the fact that the picture in my head translated to the page. When I finish the ink work..the challenge then is to get myself to get over the fear of adding color...but I did... and I am happy with it! I hope you like it too:)

The greens in the original are actually richer than it shows here. Scanners are set up to not recreate green folks don't print off money on their home printers. So I had to fiddle a bit and still could not get the richness of the original it is more yellow than in real life..but close.

Here is a little close up of the owl up in the trees.

Hope your Sunday is going well! Hugs, Sarah

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unicorn's Forest Wip....

It is that time of the year ...when the holidays are over and I start to think about what direction I would like to see my artwork take this year. I have been working on wings and backgrounds. I really like this one..I love it when the picture in your head translates to the page. This one is only about 1/2 done..but I am happy with the way it is coming along! Click on the picture for the larger view:)
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!
Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday My Town Shoot Out - From the Hip!!

So....our assignment this week was to "shoot from the hip" literally!! So I actually had time to take some photos this week..but I woke this morning to....a foot of snow and negative wind chill..and a snow day for the kids. So...I opened the door long enough to take a few shots and then decided to shoot pics in the was freezing outside!!

Here is a shot of Tink..she was looking at my face LOL!! Sweet Kit!

The toy shelf..with puzzles, games and an I spy rice is full of little things to find as you shake it!

This sweet pony is one of the school favorites. He has been much loved by many a napping kiddo! He has also been washed more times than I can count. I am quite fond of him too:)

Here are some of my favorite movies..right at hip level. I always find it fascinating to see people's book & movie shelves...what does this group say about me LOL!! A romantic, period piece, fantasy/sci fi geek...sword wielding, kiddo movie fan...???!! I have to go now and empty the dishwasher..and reload it. On days with lots of daycare kiddos...we go through alot of dishes!

Have a great weekend all!! Hugs, Sarah

Monday, February 21, 2011

I Have Been VERY Busy.....New Work and Wips..

I have been really busy the last couple of week. It would seem my Muse is a happy camper..she has been feeding me inspiration like manna!! Whoot!! I am having trouble keeping up though LOL!! I created the above teapot cozy for a dear friend! It was a challenge..but I loooved it..gonna make a few more!

I have been working on granny squares..cause really I love doing them. I bought this amazing book ..."Beyond the Square - Crochet Motifs" by Edie Eckman....I looove it. So I started working on a small something...maybe a baby blanket..or a scarf..not sure what it will be yet. But...I adored the citrus colors..yummmmm!

Ok..I know I am reeeeealy late to the felting game...but I finally did it. I felted a sheep. OMG that was so fun!!! This one is nothing fancy(but I kinda love him)...but ideas are rolling around in my head.

I made a couple of hats for another dear friend. OK this one had a huge learning curve LOL! I won't tell you how many times I tried this one before I figured it out...geesh! But....I learned loads!! Whoot! Nonni modeled for me:)

Last but not lease...I have been drawing like crazy!! I have been working on wings..winged horses, pigs, angels...etc! Color to come still...lots of wips here. Of course there are more bees. I have also been working on a piece that so far I am loving..a unicorn forest. I love it when a piece translates from your head to your paper..and you at least get it close!! Please click on the picture to make it bigger if you would like a closer look.

I hope you have wonderful Monday...and that you have the day off too!!
Hugs, Sarah

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday My Town Shoot Out..So Twisted....

This weeks shoot out is just so twisted!! Here are a few of my twirly, twisted, curly pics. I wish I could say they were from this week..but they are from my archives. I have spent every spare moment knitting my fingers off this week..totally enjoyed it..but had no time to take new pics..hope ya enjoy these!

And some of my created curls and swirls!

Happy Weekend all, Sarah


Whoooot we have a wiiiiiinnnnerrr....drum roll please for this sweet bear.....
.and the winner is....
Ladybug He will be coming for tea at your house soon!! Email me with your snail mail and I will send him off to you!

Huge thank yous to all of you who popped by and said hi! And an even bigger one to Lisa for having us all again this year!!

Hugs, Sarah

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Computer issues..and other things....

I am late to wish you all a happy Valentines Day!! of my favorites! I had a computer virus infect my computer first thing yesterday and took all day to get rid of a belated Happy Valentine's Day!! :) I hope you had a sweet one..other that nasty bugs..I had a nice day!!

I have been blog hopping for a week don't forget to scroll down and add your name to my One World One Heart Giveaway and pop on by other many sweet treats to win!! Mine is a bear this year!

I went for my heart check last week! Our local hospital offers a wonderful full check of everything from cholesterol to blood pressure etc. for $15.00. There are a few things no one mentioned about being 50. Like for instance...the 10-15 lbs that magically appear on your middle! Geesh. It is wake up one morning and there it is! I am thinking this is really a menopause fairy..she shows up in the middle of the night and adds those pounds..then giggles all the way home. Of course what comes along with the extra pounds..(did I say, LOL I had a few to loose before her visit) are the other fun treats. Like elevated blood pressure..nothing serious..just a warning shot across the bow (or should I say boobs)...get your backside outside and exercise....NOW! Uhmmmm doing that..and cutting fat and salt and sugar content. Lots of walking and stuff. Stoooopid fairy! But seriously..was a good thing to I can get on top of it!!

So I am back blogging and the OWOH will be complete on Thursday this week!!

Hugs and Namaste, Sarah