
Monday, September 20, 2010

Now for something completely different..well sorta...

Did I mention that I love to knit..with a bit of crochet thrown in for good measure. Yarn shops are dangerous places for me..they call me. I try very hard to ignore their siren call!
But over time I collect skeins of yarn that I cannot resist..and come cool weather..I knit to relax.

This year has been very stressful..I have knit a bunch LOL!

So I thought I might sell a few. Cozy shorty scarves with pockets to tuck them in and coffee cozies for your morning latte...

You will find them in my Etsy shop and On Ebay!

This one I am thinking I want to keep..we shall see. All warm and cozy and Fall like..yeah..I might keep this one just for me..maybe..we'll see.

Some fun twirly hair ties for kiddos..I love these on Nonni!

I hope you have a wonderful Monday all!! Stay cozy!!
Hugs, Sarah


  1. Those are just awesome. I learned how to crochet, but I can only make scarves. I should venture out but eh.

  2. I love your very cozy scarves. The cup scarf is such a good idea - I have almost burnt my hands numerous times on those coffee cups!

  3. Those are beautiful, Sarah! You will sell those in a heartbeat. :) xox! Pam

  4. They are so pretty Sarah! So looking forward to seeing your knitted creations this fall! Wishing you a stress free week!


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