
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wicked Wool Gathering WIP...

I do so love a has been far to long since I really threw myself into one. So when Brenda offered this sweet sheep's what you may with it....OMG..I was really excited. I was one of the lucky ones to get a treat in the mail. Some delicious green sheep's wool!! Now I have had this package of paper clay for oh about a year now..sitting on my art table..waiting. Waiting for inspiration and courage to rip it open and make something with it. When the wool finally hit me. So here is what happened...

I made this black faced sheep...can you see the look on his face...that "OMG I thought I was gonna be white" look?? You see the farmer had just been out on a bender at the local pub on St. Patties day..and he seemed to thing a green sheep would be appropriate...uhmmmm am thinking the sheep was not so sure...

As he ended up quite green. So today...the farmer is going to give him a nice brushing and at least smooth out his the other sheep do not laugh too hard. The farmer also promised another picture when he is done. And.... a very large extra bucket of grain...just for Patty the Sheep.
Happy Saturday to see all the Mad Hatter Tea Parties.....
Hugs, Sarah


  1. I am so glad that farmer went on a bender! What a great project ~ Thank you for the huge smile on my face! :)

  2. OMG I can't wait to see him finished!!! Are you going to be selling him? I love your idea, so creative and super cool!! I can't believe all of the great creations that coming out of this challenge, how fun!! I'm drooling over Patty, you may need to mop him up a bit, lol.

    Hope your having a great weekend!!
    ((Big Hugs))

  3. What a cutie!!!!!! Well done!

  4. Love your sheep! He is too cute. The header you have with the beee is stunning too!

  5. I love what you did with the wool. It definitely made my day! You are so incredibly creative.

  6. Morning, Sarah. I left an award on my blog for you to pick up. Hugs, my dear!

  7. Love your design! Adorable! Have fun at the movies.
    Cynthia (Puerto Rico)

  8. Thanks for the smiles this morning, take care, be well.


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