
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our fearless Jamie has asked us today what we wish to dare!! My first thought was..I am dared out LOL! I have pushed myself to Let Fly so much in the last year I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head. Then...I remembered the thing that I am about to Let Fly with..silly me how could I have forgotten the thing that is keeping me awake nights and nudging me to complete. The thing that I am so excited to offer up yet a bit scared about? The online classes. I am daring myself to Let Fly with the very first offering..Time Management for the Creative Soul..on May 3rd. Ackkkkk I wrote it..put it right out there..there it is all..I am gonna do it!! Big breath!

Here is why May 3rd. In 1997 I left an abusive relationship. The following years were very hard, I was deeply poor, emotionally struggling..fighting for custody Etc. Etc. Etc. But something wonderful happened to me during that time..over those years I found myself..the real Sarah. It was painful and I fought it at times..but in the end the real me emerged and the blessings of all the hurt and pain I had been through made sense to me..I understood. I had been through hell and been blessed at the same time..who knew!? On May 2nd my Hanna will turn 18 years old and I will no longer have to deal with my ex as I have had to for years and years..I will be free to tell him what I think without fear that he will take it out on our daughters in some way. As of that date he does not have any more control over us! Not to say that I will never have to deal again..but it will not be controlled by him. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So ..I thought it would be time to offer up another side of me here..the teacher side of me. So I wish to...I am going to be brave and Let Fly and be daring. I wish to start this new venture!
What do you wish today? Namaste, Sarah


  1. Wishing you all your dreams come true! And the joy that I know your freedom will bring! My wish list is too long today but maybe tomarrow it will be shorter. :)

  2. I Believe In Your Wish To Dare!

    As you wish, so I wish for you also.

  3. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. I'm counting the years until my husband's daughter is 18, his ex is totally nuts and abusive, and I've had more than my fair share of those relationships in my life. So glad you got out and found yourself in there somewhere! And how exciting to be teaching a class!

  4. So happy for you and your new level of freedom, that is truly a good wonderful thing.

  5. I totally understand. What a feeling to get through the horrible stuff way back then, adjust to the ongoing stuff because of children, and now to finally have the energy changing to serenity.

  6. Sarah, you are such a strong woman, my sister went through sort of the same thing, when she left her husband, it was so wonderful to see her becoming her own self...her ex has done everything I am sure out of spite, and now she has her own life. two more years with him over their head, and he has not tried to see his children in ten years...I am so excited that you will have that feeling of will do wonderful. let fly.

  7. Your choice of a date, in and of itself, shows just how good you are at time management!!

  8. Sarah,
    I can so relate to this...I have an obligatory attachment to my son's father and I am counting down the days until he turns 18 and I never have to deal with him again! Congratulations on making it this far and good luck with the online class - I know you will rock it!


  9. WOW! You are so inspiring! I am so excited for you and your new venture. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  10. That is so exciting!! You are going to do wonderfully. I'm glad that through all that pain, the brighter days are ahead.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  11. As I was reading, the tune popped in my head...fairy tales can come true they can happen to you...! So, pooh, just do it, and don't worry about what it!


  12. As Sarah wishes, I wish for her also.

    What a powerful story Sarah. I love that your date for your next big dream is so symbolic and liberating. I know the teacher in your is going to rock it out of the park! And thank you for your kind words today, you have been so supportive, thank you.

    I know you're going to kick ass with this new venture!

  13. This is wonderful news Sarah, sweet freedom! you worked so hard for it and never give up on your strength and that is truly you! I love you Sarah, amazing woman you! ((hugs!!))

  14. Your timing is perfect, my dear! A lot of women escape from abusive relationships. A lot don't, but even of the ones that do, many sadly fall right back into repeat patterns.

    It is a tribute to the strength and resourcefulness of your inner Sarah, your true self,to not only survive, but thrive. .with a flourish! I'm SO proud of you, but more importantly, you should be VERY proud of yourself!

    Your new path sounds very tantalizing, and I'm thrilled for you that it is all coming together! And exactly what I need! lol I have a feeling that you will benefit from this in ways that you haven't realized. Perhaps even more than the participants. It will be an exciting journey.

    So as Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well, with accompanying hugs & love.

    P.S. I love how you make bees butts look so darn cute! lol

  15. Here's to your dreams flying high!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    oh my ... time management ... have you been peaking into my head lately? sign me up!

  16. Ah dear one, I am so happy for you that this huge weight will soon be lifted and you can let your teacher self free, can't wait to see where your path takes you.
    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Namaste, Karen

  17. oooooh!
    Brave Sarah!

    I applaud you; you're my hero.
    Go for it....we've got your back.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I also wish for her with all my heart!

  18. A very good wish! And I know you will succeed in whatever you do!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  19. As brave and daring Sarah wishes for herself I so lovingly wish this for her also!

  20. Oh Sarah, thank you for sharing a part of your story with us !
    As Sarah wishes to teach people, so I deeply wish for her also :)

    You'll soon feel the wind on your wings ;)

  21. I wish it all for you and more Sarah! Let freedom ring!

  22. Sarah - You shine through on your blog so much. Your past will now be totally in your past and going forward is the only way you can now go.
    What a sacrifice you have made because you are such a loving mother - what an astounding gift to give.
    How wonderful to completely own your life once again!!

  23. Yippee,Sarah! So proud of you! And I know the people who take your class will be thrilled with what you have to share. Good Luck!
    xoxo B

  24. Wishing you much success and I want to sign up! :)

  25. Sarah with all my heart, I know where you have been...Wishing for you all that you want, need and deserve angel!
    Love & Hugs, Nancy & G-dog


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