
Friday, February 19, 2010


Every Friday I volunteer at Fox and Nonni's school. Whatever their teachers need me to do..that's my job. Reading help, copies, correcting papers, laminating, giving spelling name it. But by far my very favorite job this year is being the unofficial photographer for Nonni's Kindergarten class.

This month a local gymnastics club offered our Kindergartners a class every week for free! So yesterday I went off with the crew to The Flip Factory to take some photos of the class in action. Boing...

I have a new lens and the lighting was poor..add that to lots of action shots and well ....I was challenged! I managed to get better as I went along. Twirl..

Can you much fun is this??? Boing..boing


Am thinkin' I may be shelling out for some gymnastics classes. What do ya think?


  1. That is a marvelous way to stay in touch with your childrens classes and see how they interact with their classmates. Very good pictures, I like candid shots.

  2. Ooooo they look like their having a great time!!! They make it look so easy, lol.

    Have a great weekend Sarah!!

  3. Sarah, it looks like such fun, I think the photos are great. love the blog background. Have a great weekend.

  4. Very cool. The motion in the images are quite cool in their own rights.

  5. Great photos! They look like they are having a wonderful time. Yes, I would also say that classes are in the future. Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Excellent shots Sarah. Really captured the fun and enjoyment they're having.

  7. Looks like a lot of fun! (Could be money very well and happily spent.)

  8. Beautiful, beautiful, yep gymnastics class, or the high dive!


  9. (What is that strange comment above?)
    Ohh tell Nonni she has given me strength and inspiration to try my hardest and give it my all with my trapeze lessons! What a fantastic school and how great that you volunteer! I would love to work alongside you! Nonni is a wonderful twirler!! ((hugs))

  10. Boy, she is really growing. How much fun that is. I bet she loves this.


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