
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Would you pretty please..with sugar on top....

I would be so honored and thrilled if you would take a minute and pop by my new illustrated book.
I have started a new blog ..The Keepers of the Gate.

I will be adding to the story each week and adding illustrations. I have added the first installment..well more of a little prelude. Please be patient with my grammar issues. Feel free to leave input..I love that!! I would dearly love to know what you think...should I continue with the story..are you interested?
I'm am traveling into strange territory muse is in the lead.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sarah


  1. What a great idea! Would be fun for kids to follow along too.

  2. I tried to comment there Sarah I will go again.

    It is amazing.

    Love Renee xoxo

    Give Nonni a big hug for me.


  3. Wow, Sarah - that is, you are, AMAZING - I love the prelude and will be back for more. What a great idea - writing and illustrating!!!

    You might want to check out "Sneaky Momma Blog Designs". She gives a free way to protect your images from being taken from your blog. You need to read all the whys and wherefores, but it might work for some, if not all of your blogs.

    Good luck with everything...but I don't think you need luck when you have so much talent.

  4. I tried to post a comment there and I couldn't. I love this idea and I LOVE that bird drawing. I will follow along. (We must be on a similar wave length- I started a new haiku blog for 2010).

  5. ~i too tried to leave a comment and could not...i am ready for more please....can't wait & think it is a fabulous idea...a story blog!! brightest blessings~

  6. Sorry guys..I fixed it..ackkkkk..Thank you all for looking!!! :)

  7. Sarah, love it! The illustration is beautiful!

  8. wow, what a fantastic idea! I look forward to following along. :)

  9. I am heading over there staight away...I just know it will be delightful!!!

  10. this is very very cool - headed over there now!

  11. Always trust your matter where they take you.

    Such an incredible idea--and what a journey too! Kudos!


  12. Sarah, I feel a cold coming on so am resting today. Will read story tomorrow when eyes aren't so scratchy. Have to say for now that I love that bird. (I've developed quite an affinity for birds in the past year.)

    Can't wait to see your story!


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!