
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Speaking of Angels.....

Yesterday was one of those days..stunningly beautiful. Folks often talk about big sky country being Montana...which is is beautiful. But Idaho as far as I am concerned is just as beautiful! I do so love where I live. Days like yesterday just reinforce that feeling! My Dad would have loved it here!

Yup that is an eagle up there in all that big sky!!

It was so warm yesterday - almost 50 degrees..very odd for here!! The pooches were out playin' too!!

The sun was out and the lighting was a photographers dream.

Even the delicious moss was sunbathing. Soaking in that unexpected warmth!

Did I mention angels....yes I did. You may remember this summer, I barely missed an armed robbery in a little convenience store nearby. I was distracted by some beautiful hanging baskets that I wanted shots of and missed the whole thing by moments. Angels..yup there were angels with me that day.

Yesterday I went to Sanders of our favorite summer haunts..and stunning in the winter. Being it was so warm and I was all by myself..I wandered around the beach for quite a while, snapping photos and collecting beach glass. I noticed something floating in the lake..but I thought it was a log and didn't think too much about it. Until this morning when that unmoving log it seems, turned out to be a body of an elderly gentleman. The hair went up on my neck..because I knew that was what I had seen yesterday. Yes angels were with me again yesterday..I was not the one who found him..I was spared that. It seems that he had been in the water for a while and was gone before I spied him. I know little else yet. Divine intervention..someone was watching over me..yes someone was.


  1. Oh my word Sarah! How sad, but goodness, so glad your angels spared you that ordeal! Sending loving hugs to you! ((hugs))

  2. Beautiful photos, and glad to hear your Angel was on the job!

  3. Two interventions to give thanks for.
    These are wonderful photos. My brother lives in Montana part of the year and Hawaii the rest. But this year they decided to live at least one full year at the Montana house so they will see all the seasons and get to experience all the weather of Montana. They love it. Just like we came from southern CA to Nebraska and love it here. I know how you feel about your connection to Idaho and I am happy for you.

  4. ~seems as if your day was as lovely as happy you were able to seek out such beauty and that your angels were their to keep your heart from the saddness and pain of seeing what truely lie beneath...brightest blessings and beautiful pictures!~

  5. Glad the Angels took care of you Sarah.
    Love these pictures. Haven't seen a blue sky here for some time lol

  6. beautiful photos Sarah, It must have been something to behold.

  7. Wow! Holy cow. I am so glad you were watched over yesterday. Neither of those things would have been fun to witness. Holy cow...
    When I was a teenager, I was a paper girl. Our street ended on a frontage road, and I missed by about 10 minutes seeing someone hit by a car... very glad I didn't see that.

  8. Oh, how awful! So glad you didn't recognize what you saw. So sad though...
    Yes, Idaho is so beautiful. Really, one of the most beautiful states, I think. Because the water is so clear and clean and the sky, so blue. Thanks for that one of the Eagle. I'm a bird of prey freak, ya know....
    xoxoxo B

  9. Please tell your friend, that although you were alone in your journey, you did have a cell phone with you? You can tell me that, can't You?

    Stunning blue....I need it. The world is gray where I live for the past few days now.

  10. whew....Swani....beautiful shots...not so beautiful death....glad you were spared.


  11. It is very cool to see how warm everything seems compared to how it is here in Sweden. Here we have had our coldest winter for lots of years.. And I love it! But I woulden't mind switching the snow away for just one day. ;)

    About the angels. Yep. I believe that we are guided. Sometimes. Especially if we are able and take the time to listen to our inner voice.

  12. Wow! Sarah it is beautiful where you live. I thought it was beautiful here where I live but WOW!!!
    That's sad but glad your angels were helping! :)


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