
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday..

Jamie has asked us this morning.."What steps do you wish to take?" Wow there is a question..the very first thing I thought of was..I wish to take my time.. I do. Because I spend so much of it rushing about trying to get it all done. Now that is not all bad, the busy stuff..bored would make me a crazy woman. I am much happier with things to be doing. But....that said...I would like to linger in certain areas of my life a bit more. Like my artwork..just close myself in the studio and create for a whole day uninterrupted..just now and again would be nice. Maybe over a good of those all nighters and then sleep all morning..yup I want to do that. I want to wander through a weekend and not worry about the time..just watch movies and play games with the kids, take a nature walk with my camera (and the kids)...I wish to take my time and waste it. Without worry or concern..just let it fly away from me and smile. I wish to take my time and do whatever my heart desires at that moment with it. What do you wish today?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving you all know how very thankful I am to have met you here?? You bless me every day..Thank You, Sarah


  1. That sounds like an excellent wish to me Sarah.

  2. As sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  3. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly wish for her.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also.

    Take a day for yourself, do what you want to do. You won't feel any more rushed than you already do.


  5. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her, also.

    I am right there with you on the time factor thing. I feel so rushed right now in my life and I wonder where I have disappeared to. I don't recognize my life right now, and must work hard to keep myself grounded in the now. One day at a time. Love ya, hon. Talk soon.xoxo B

  6. As you wish, I wish for you also.
    Doing all those things you talked about would not be wasting it. you would feel so rejeuvenated. I hope you get to do all those things. have a wonderful holiday. take care.

  7. Here's to savouring our time.
    As sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Man, I've missed you!!

  8. I would so love to do that too! Let's hope this wish comes true for both of us, in a good way!

  9. Oh what a delicious, decadent wish! Unscheduled downtime shouldn't be such a precious commodity, and yet....I hope you find time this weekend for important "piddling"!

    As Sarah my friend wishes for herself, so I fragrantly and lovingly wish for her too!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.. This is a fantastic wish and I hope you find the time to waste time ;-)
    Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

  11. All of those things sound fantastic! The other day I got under my down comforter at 3 in the afternoon with a good book. It was only for about 40 minutes but it felt so good! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  12. As Sarah wishes for her self, I wish for her as well.

  13. At this time of year you really need to take a day and let fly!! A mental health day!! Sounds wonderful, hummmm I think we all could use one of those!!!

    Sure hope you and your family have a wonderful and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


  14. As Sara wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Sarah, I do wish very hard for you, that is a wonderful wish! I am thankful for you! ((Hugs))

  16. As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also.

    Oh the joy to take time for yourself and just do whatever you feel like. Beautiful!

  17. As sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

    What a meaningful images !!!

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her.

    I especially wish you time to linger, Sarah!

  19. Hey Sarah,

    Time is so fascinating. We seem to spend most of it doing things we don't really want. I wonder why so many do that? How do all these other things get to the tops of our to-do lists? I wish for you to wander more, without worry or concern. Wishing you a happy giving of thanks day!

    Giulietta, rebellious muse

  20. As sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

    Let Fly!! Just like you say it!! Wishing you the time you need to just be you, dear friend!~

  21. As Sarah wishes for herself, I so wish for her also.

  22. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well. xoxo

  23. What a beautiful wish!
    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  24. Thank you too Sarah xxxx.

    I hope you have a wonderful time with time Sarah wishes for herself I lovingly wish this for her also.

  25. Taking time is such a gift! Seems there is always so much to do these days. Lovely inspiration.
    Happy Thanksgiving lovely Sarah!

  26. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)

    May you savor each delicious moment like it's an infinity of beautiful discovery! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  27. Sarah what a great wish and what a great picture.


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