
Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Birthday, a Pimp and Stuff......

This picture is from oh about 1977..on the left my niece Tamara (more on her in a minute)..then Anne and yeah that's me on the right. Today Oct.4th, is my sweet sister Anne's birthday!!!! Whooo hoo happy dancin' and singin'Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Aaaannnnnneee...Happy birthday to you!! Love you hon!!
Anne is almost exactly - give a couple of days 10 years older than me!! I love that! We share a birthday season and well..she's older than me - which means I get to tease her every year. She is a great sport and the athletic powerhouse of the three of us!! She has been a sidecar racer, triathlete, runner, biker, swimmer....yup she is the athletic one in the family. And an artist..yes she is. I am currently working on her to post a bit of her amazing pen and ink work!! You can see what amazing things she is doing now on her blog! She is the Mom of two amazing kids & well I love her!!! So if ya have a minute..go say Happy birthday!! Love you Anne!!!

A pimp..I know I really love doing it though...

These Niece Tamara - yeah the little one from above. Cutie!! All grown up and has joined us on blogger!! Whooo hoooo - another family member - I looove it!!!

I thought it was funny that Tamara and I both did our eyes this way at the same time..what does that say??? She is artistic and a joy!! Her photography is amazing!! Can ya tell she is a member of the family - LOL!! We kind caught up on Face book and now she is bloggin' I am over the moon to reconnect with her here!! I was 14 when Tamara was born and looooved being an Aunt. Now that she is a wonderful, beautiful grown up's even better. So I am pimping her new blog today.. so if ya have a minute...go visit my sweet niece!! Love ya hon!! Aunt Sarah
Isn't she stunning - reminds me of her Mama!!!

Just a quick note about my following avatar...I figured it out - why it is missing in so many blogs I am still following. My email password was hacked a while back and I changed my main email here from hotmail to gmail. It would seem that when I did this all my avatars associated with am going around changing it. Thanks for being patient - I am still following everyone!!
Have a wonderful Sunday!! Hugs, Sarah


  1. Sarah, good pimpin girly! Isn't Tamara beautiful? Those eyes!Happy birthday to Anne, side car racer? I have to meet this lady! Of course a very happy birthday to you it would seem Missy! I must go meet these wonderful women! Hope all is well!! ((Hugs))!!

  2. What a sweet post. A happy happy birthday.

  3. What a beautiful family you have! Went to Anne's blog (which I already followed btw) and left a very happy birthday for her. Now, I hear yours is next week!!!

  4. Hope your sister has a wonderful birthday!
    I have lots of cousin-in-laws that blog, it is fun to have family blogging.

  5. Happy birthday to both of you. How awesome to have such a loving artistic family.

  6. It's truly a shame that you all have such an ugly family. Really. Who would have thought it possible?! ;-)

  7. Tamara does have amazing eyes, doesn't she? Amazing hair, too. Really, really thick. It used to be fun to french braid it - only just a few years ago went she was little. I can't believe that old picture of us. Where do you find these. I guess I'm going to have to start dragging out the old photo boxes and digging through them. You never know what I might find. He, he he. Love the quilt BTW. Just incredible.

  8. Sarah,
    You do have a lovely family, and yes those eyes are amazing! :)


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