
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our Shepherdess Jamie has asked us today...what do you wish to learn? Oooooo good question!!

Hmmmm...I guess I would like to learn a new language. Sign language, Italian, brush up on my Spanish, French, Gaelic? I'm not sure why but it appeals to me right now. Perhaps the hope that I may be able to do a bit of traveling in the coming years. There are several places I would like to go. Jim speaks fluent German, signs, a bit of French, a spattering of Russian and Chinese. He is a wiz at learning them. I need more time. I need a good program to do it. I seem to do well at reading another is the speaking part that I need to work on. So..I guess my simple wish today learn a new language. What do you wish to learn?

I will be gone this starting full day of school and I will be painting all morning. I will come back this afternoon and read every one's wishes. I won't forget. Thanks all! Namaste, Sarah


  1. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

    Here's to learning a new language, Madamoielle :)

    Cioa Bella!! (yes, I used both French and Italian)

  2. *UGH!* It's *Ciao, Bella!* I should get my spelling right before I post, huh? LOL!!

  3. Est gud! I'm back, in time to wish with you although I won't be posting a wish on my blog. As my beloved Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention in all languages wish her also!

    Harasho (Very Well in Russian)

  4. As Sarah wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.

    Gaelic is on my list to learn as well, after Latin...
    now to mess w your head: Irish Gaelic? Scottish Gaelic? Welsh Gaelic? Isle of Man (is that Mannish?) Gaelic? >;)
    You pick one and we'll learn it together....

  5. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
    I always thought it would be cool to learn Gaelic. Wishing you all your wishes come true.

  6. As Sarah wishes for herself, so too do I wish for her!

  7. I see travel in your future....No I really do. One of these days, you're gonna come and visit me. :p) But we all speak English here. Except for the Spanish. I'm personally wishing for a good night's sleep! As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
    Hugs, Barbara

  8. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I sincerely wish for her as well.

  9. Hi Sarah,

    It's fun to learn a new language. Helps me see things from a different perspective. Been working on Italian on and off for years. Think I need to live there for six months. I wish for you to travel and use the language you have learned!


  10. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    I wonder what language you will choose!

  11. Sarah:

    May your wish come true. I wish to become more skillfull with GIMP a photo-editing tool.

  12. As Sarah wishes for herself,I so wish for her also.

    I would love to learn to paint....


  13. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  14. As Sarah wishes for herself,I so wish for her also.

    Muy bueno!

  15. I want to learn French, if were talking about language! There are so many things to learn!


  16. LOL! Excellent! Too funny, as ever, when I read the prompt, I immediately thought of my current struggle to teach myself Turkish and that I really want to learn Japanese! HA! :) MUAH, well love, here's to being in the same book :)
    ~As Sarah wishes for herself, so too do I wish for Sarah (and me too :)

  17. As Sarah wishes for herself,I so wish for her.


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