
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Dear Jamie has asked us another deep question this morning... What do you wish to acknowledge yourself for? Oooooo she has reached right in and touched that spot that I try to ignore...speaking up for my own gifts. Ackkkkkk!!! We all know we have them or at least suspect as much. It is soooo much easier for me to support up someone else.

The whole comfortable in my own skin thing is somewhat new to me. I think it came after the understanding around 40 that taking time for yourself, self care, self love was not a selfish thing but a healthy thing. I think after that came the you have gifts you should acknowledge and be proud of. It is still tricky for me to feel like I am not bragging..but confident in my work..what ever that may be at the time.

So I will Let Fly here and say a few things to myself that I have been needing to hear. Here goes...

1. I am a good Mom..despite all the mistakes I have made as a the heart of it..I am a good Mom. K that one made me cry...

2. I am an artist..I am good at what I do..I love what I do..this is what I want to do. It is my True North.

3. I am a good teacher. This one I have less trouble with. I see it in little ones eyes and feel it in their hugs. I see it in their progress and that fire that I am allowed to spark in them about something new and exciting!! I love that one of my newer 2 yr. olds is beside herself ready to start program with me this fall! She and one other little one twice a week.

4. Most of all..I guess I want to acknowledge to myself.. that through it all..I am a person that I am happy with. Ever growing and learning..but someone I am happy to be.

So I guess my wish today is that I can grow in confidence in these things, leave fear behind and Let Fly with them. I wish to acknowledge to myself that it is ok to be comfortable in being a Mom, an artist, a!!
What do you wish for today??
Namaste, Sarah


  1. Wonderful post Sarah! "....I am a person that I am happy with...' I wish that for you always.

  2. I love it! Feeling happy with yourself is a beautiful gift and you deserve that!

    As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so do I wish to acknowledge her!

  3. Thank you for your kind words on my post...right back at ya! Yay to you for claiming, acknowledging, shining out in the world! Hugs to you!

  4. What a good fun, mom, artist, teacher, and person you are Sarah thank you for sharing that marvelous post.

    BTW I have "dates" with my son for years too (he will be 22 in October!)

    As Sarah wishes for herself so do I wish for her also.

  5. I wish to also acknowledge today how great you are as a blogger and now, my friend. And, I really have come to see you as a friend.

    The things that you say about yourself? True. All of them. And, I know what a long journey of self-discovery it has taken to get you to this point.

    Yay, Triple YAY, YOU!

    As Sarah so rightly acknowledges about herself, so I lovingly and in friendship concur!

  6. Sarah:

    How fantastic that you claim those vital things about yourself - and there is so much more.

    I leave now to think about this for myself.

    Have a great day Sarah.

  7. I'm proud of you, Sarah. Proud of what you've become and who you are. I know what you've been through. And you've come out on the other side of it, strong and more centered. I acknowlege your gifts, too, and truly appreciate them. Love and Hugs,xoxo Barbara

  8. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself that its ok to be HER!!! I also wish to acknowledge her for being a great Mom, Artist, teacher!

  9. As Sara wishes to acknowledge for herself, so I wish to acknowledge with her.

    May you always find happiness in who you are. It is much easier to acknowledge others and I think it takes courage to acknowledge one self.

  10. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.

  11. Sounds good to me! So: As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.

  12. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I, Carmen wish to acknowledge with her.

  13. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself for being happy with who she is, so I wish to acknowledge her as well.

    Wishing that we all find happiness in who we are.

    Peace to you.

  14. As Sarah wishes for herself so do I wish for her also.

    What a beautiful post wonderful to acknowledge these things. You are awesome!

  15. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I acknowledge with her.

    Finding happiness in who we are has definitely resonated with many people here, including me. You have such beautiful qualities and I acknowledge them in you.

    Let Fly, my friend!

  16. So profound to be able to open up and really say what we've done well isn't it? I love your acknowledgements too... they say so much about you (and of course all that I imagine you to be :) Amen for being comfortable in your skin! I wonder if that isn't 99% of the battle?
    As Sarah so thoughtfully acknowledges herself, so too do I acknowledge and wish for Sarah to Let'em FLY!!!!!!! :)

  17. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.

    Yes, all this and so much more. I just took some pics of acorns too! Autumn is approaching.

  18. Have a long and happy flight.

    As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.

  19. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! Mom, artist, teacher and so much more dear friend!

  20. Me again, this to your hubby:

    Danke schön, das ist sehr nett! Ich hoffe, es geht euch allen gut und ihr genießt den Sommer!

    (To Sarah: Thank you, that's nice. I hope you all feel well and enjoy the summer!
    I simply love that everyone is trying a little bit German! so cute!)

  21. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so do I wish to acknowledge her!

  22. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge for herself, so do I wish to acknowledge for her!

    Your good parenting, Sarah, even shines through in the photos of your children. They have happiness and love and wisdom in their young eyes.

  23. Yay for Sarah and Yay for women hitting 40! We really become something else around then!

    As Sarah wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I wish to acknowledge as well.

    Let fly over 40 sister, let fly!

  24. As Sarah wishes for herself so do I wish for her also.

  25. You are so totally cool and I admire you very much!
    As Sarah wishes for herself so do I wish for her also.

  26. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so do I wish to acknowledge her!

    How powerful to claim your magnificence!

  27. Hey Sarah,

    I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts. Here's to continuing to be a good mom, an artist, a teacher, and a person who is leaving fear behind.

    Keep flying!

    Giulietta the Muse

  28. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so do I wish to acknowledge her!

    You are EVERYTHING you have said and SOOOOOO much more!! I simply adore you, your artwork and all that you are!! YOU INSPIRE ME!!!

  29. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I acknowledge her also.

    Beautiful. Beautiful.

  30. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge for herself, so do I wish to acknowledge for her!
    These are lovely attributes that you should be very proud of!

  31. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge for herself, so do I wish to acknowledge for her!

  32. Sarah, I am so glad you can acknowledge yourself as a mom, artist, teacher, yourself, I wish you know these things always.

  33. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I wish to acknowledge with her.

    You are so many wonderful things!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  34. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. :)

  35. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.

    Yay for you - Mom, Artist, Teacher!

  36. Lovely post Sarah and as you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

    Yes, tis me, after a disaster, I am retreating!

    hugs Kx

  37. As Sarah wishes for herself so do I wish for her also.

  38. As Sarah wishes to acknowledge herself, so do I wish to acknowledge her!

  39. Hello Sarah

    It is nice to meet you and learn from this post a little about you. Thank you for calling by my place so that we can connect up...

    Anyone who has read Gifts from the Sea is a friend of mine...

    Happy days


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!