
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Odd Week.....

I think I am ready for Fall. I have been thinking that it might be time for me to make a few more of these Autumn leaves. What do you think??

I am so pleased to see the colors on the baby maples are starting to turn just a little bit. I needed a few smiles this week. It has been a joy to have Jim home again!! He was missed.

Last weekend in another fit of rage, Hanna moved out...again. This time with threats of harm to me. I am saddened & frustrated. I deeply feel she needs to have a reality check and be on her own for a bit. I am at a loss.

This made me giggle..thank you Fox.. yes that is a slug!

What do you think this is??

I would not have is a seed pod that has split open and sent it's seeds to the wind!! How cool is that??

This sweet geranium offered me a lovely gift this week. We rescued it from the garbage in an is about to bloom for me!! Who would throw this beauty away??

Don't's rubber. The kids were into swamps this week and decided to create one in the back yard. I thought this was pretty cool too!

Ok..I just couldn't resist this picture - not mine clearly..but soooo funny..JPEG - giggle snort.

Hope your week is going well. Thank you for sharing a wonder and a smile with me.
Namaste, Sarah


  1. Sorry to hear about Hanna, but sometimes being on their own is the only way to learn how good they really have things. Loved Fox and the slug! Too funny. The seed pod -- too cool and the Blue Jay! Sometimes icanhascheezburger is just the right thing at the right time!

    Hugs dear one....

  2. Oh, how cool is the jay! Imagine the place where that could happen, but jays are agressive. I remember a pair of them who used to peck my old dog on top of his head wanting to get to his food bowl back in the burbs of Chicago.

    Hanna will be okay. You're right in that a reality check can hasten growth like nothing else. My oldest was scary sometimes and I just had to keep reminding myself of the Proverb that says to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Who knows but their Creator how many detours it takes before then but I held on to the promise. He's 30 now and a Daddy himself.

    Come on over to TA-DA! Tuesday -

  3. oh the talk of fall already?, I am not ready for summer to be over.

  4. Sarah:
    I wish I could make the situation with H better. But, I think your viewpoint is the best way to see it. And, you know we all know this is not about you, but a young spirit who insists of growing the hard way.

    HUGS To YOU!

  5. Great photos, I can't wait until Fall! Love the new header too.

  6. Love these photos!

    May not know you well enough but I'm still sending a hug to you - I have 2 little girls (not old enough to leave yet....). I think you have the right attitude about it.

    Here's to Fall - cannot wait!! Over 90 here today. Argh.

  7. I really enjoyed this post full of amazing photos and the story of you blossoming!

  8. Fall is my favorite time of year... but really, we just got our summer weather here (Winnipeg, Canada) this week!! I can't imagine the leaves changing colors yet...

    p.s. I really enjoy your quilting bees.

  9. Dear Sarah,
    Wierd how the good and the bad seem to collide over our daily lives creating a cloud of confusion. Jim home, Hannah gone. You can only do so much and then it's up to her. I think you did the right thing letting her go figure it out. Love ya. Here's a *hug* long distance. xoxo

  10. Seems like we both have had family drama this past week....We shall overcome and be strong quack quack..

    xoxoxo S

    pictures are AMAZING!!!!

  11. I love the fall season, just not ready for summer to be gone, not just yet. I think that we have all had the reality check in life, just at different ages. Some sooner than others. I have to tell you, the snake freaked me out! Love your pictures.

  12. I'm really sorry to hear about Hanna. Someday she will realize all that you have done for her!

    I love your autum leaves. I've noticed leaves change too. Our rainy, cool weather last week really reiminded me of fall. I'm ready!


  13. I'm so ready for autumn too... those leaves are beautiful. Can't wait for all that colours and warm socks and scarves again...

  14. Sorry to hear about Hanna! Maybe she'll find out how hard it is in the world and appreciate you more. You can always hope.

    Love your photos, I think you have found your second calling! They are wonderful!


  15. THe Jay is a HOOT!!

    I have a Hanna(h) too. Sounds like her coming of age was a lot like your Hanna. Hugs through it all - all will be well and as it should be.

  16. I'm not ready for fall yet but I am glad that the oppressive heat has mellowed and happy to see a little rain.

    I'm sorry about Hanna. My son Ian is living with us again and I'm almost (not quite.. just almost) hoping that he will get tired of it and move out again. He is better off on his own... with us he is too comfortable, too careless with the important things that will lead to him finally settling into adulthood. Some people need stress to grow.

    I love your leaves...

  17. Love the autumn leave ... yes more leaves.

  18. Love the leaf photo, but I especially love Fox's face zeroing in on the catepillar. Priceless!


  19. Amazing post Sarah.

    I really like that you mention Hanna in the middle of the post. It is obvious you are coming to terms that you cannot control what she does.

    Love you.


  20. So glad I found your blog via Holly today! Love this post about fall...I'm ready for it. Also chuckling over your .jaypg...very cute!


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