
Monday, August 31, 2009

They Are Listed....

Here is the link for the Scottie here

The here

For my Dragon's Breath..... here

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quilting Bee #21

Good morning all!! I am going to start out with an apology...I posted the beautiful crazy quilt above with out listing the wonderful artist that created it (Quilting Bee#16). I try hard to give credit where it is due..the artist. So when I received a gentle email letting me know I had not given her credit for her beautiful quilt..I felt horrid. Somehow I had missed it! I did though appreciate the opportunity to do so today. So the delightful quilt above was created by Sharon B. . If you click here it will take you to her website where you can view several of her beautiful pieces of work and wonderful instructions!!! Thank you hon for letting me know!!!

So I am thinking it is cooling off a bit and we will again be inside quilting and chatting how about something hearty!! I have a wonderful chef here today and she will be cooking up some wonderful breakfast skillets for you today. Hash browns stacked with veggies, eggs, meat, cheese what ever your heart just order it up!! There are biscuits and gravy and omelets if you would prefer. Some of that delicious Kona coffee and hot or iced tea for today. There is a lovely seasonal selection of fruit. The grapefruit looks amazing!!! I have racked a wonderful quilt today full of surprises and delights. Thank you so for joining me today! Please pull up a chair!!

We took the car on it's first official outing this weekend. She did beautifully!! It was Jim's birthday and getting out of town seemed like a wonderful treat. We have not had a car of our own since Nonni was born. So going off tootling about is not something she has experienced much. Most times we have had a car it was rented for a purpose and driving for the joy of it just didn't happen. As we were driving along today a car was pulling a large boat in front of us. You couldn't see the car and Nonni piped up and said,

"Look Mama, it's a boat that drives itself!!"

This seemed very normal to her - thank you Sponge Bob. We giggled and I explained. But there was a part of me that suddenly realized..what an innocent thing she said. Not because it was cute or funny..but from lack of experience. It stopped me for a moment and paid closer attention to what she and Fox were discussing in the back seat. There was a part of me that felt really sad that these joys had been denied my children because of the lack of car.

As we headed up into the woods, the air cleared and all you could smell was that heavenly smell of pine warmed in the sun. They smelled it right away. I took a long deep breathe myself and sighed. OMG it was heavenly that smell of the woods, the pines reaching to the sky.. that deep blue sky. Oh how I missed I had lost that feeling over the last six long car less years. I love the woods. Everything there calls my soul, touches my heart, fills my senses with joy.

How could I have lost this? But lost it I had. I had lost touch with my Earthy soul. I had packed it away in a town bound box and put it away. Over the last couple of years I had even forgotten to take it out and look at it, the smell of pine straw warmed by the sun, calling birds and flowing streams. That sweet smell of the woods. That delicious scent that ignites my creativity and makes my heart sing. I had lost it. as I watched my children find the joys of clean pine scented mountain air, hiking dusty trails and looking down a mountain side from 1000 feet up, I found that joy I had misplaced. I won't loose it again.

So...Quilting Bees, what item have you shelved? What sits waiting to stir your soul and ignite your passions? What box is waiting for you to reopen it today? Please share with us if you would like...what is in your box?

I think I will have some Kona coffee and a very small breakfast skillet with potatoes, eggs and some veggies..oh and cheese. Yummmmmy! What can I order up for you?? Thank you for joining me again today, you honor me!!I hope you all have a wonderful week!! Namaste, Sarah

Another Wip Sneaky Peek...

I'm not quit done yet...but getting there. Here is a close up sneak peak at my "Halloween Scottie". Above the "moon" and below a close up view of the little Scottie in the scene looking up at the "moon". It still needs a few little details and protective coat. It also needs ribbons and a few choice beads. You may have noticed the holes in the previous post. So..I hope that later today I will have a view of the finished product to offer you! Have a wonderful Sunday!! Namaste, Sarah

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Some Work, Some Wips and Some Winners....'s tht time of the year..time to pull out my paints and brushes. Once they are out I am a painting it. Started small with the pumpkins. Then I jumped right into a project I have been saving for Fall. I love this piece of wood..yup is a Scottie Dog. I mulled over it for a bit..not sure what to do with it..then...I thought of this. It is only half done..lots and lots of detail to come..stay tuned..

When my Scottie Halloween is done..I will be starting on this potion bottle..Dragon's Breath.

Ohhhh and if you pop over to will find the winners of our sweet giveaway.
Have a great day, Sarah

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pimping Another Friend...Bob Lee

I recieved a wonderful treat in the mail this week from Bob Lee. I met Bob in a group on Ebay..HA31 A Gathering of Halloween Artists back when I first started selling on Ebay. He has been a constant support and friend. I just love his work..he is as you may have noticed a bone man..LOL!! He does that amazing type of pen and ink called stippling..basically the whole piece is comprised of dots. He offers up a large variety of subject matter and all are amazing & creepy cool!!!

So when I posted this picture of Hanna on Facebook..he asked if he might use her as a model...I said you bet. But..I asked Hanna first and she thought it was a wicked cool idea. So what I got in the mail this week was this amazing picture of Hanna...Bob Lee style. Whoo hoo I loooove it!!!! Thank you Bob!!! Huge hugs!!! Isn't he amazing!!!!!!

You can find Bob's work for sale on Ebay and view more of his work at Halloween

Here are a couple more of my favorites.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Dear Jamie has asked us another deep question this morning... What do you wish to acknowledge yourself for? Oooooo she has reached right in and touched that spot that I try to ignore...speaking up for my own gifts. Ackkkkkk!!! We all know we have them or at least suspect as much. It is soooo much easier for me to support up someone else.

The whole comfortable in my own skin thing is somewhat new to me. I think it came after the understanding around 40 that taking time for yourself, self care, self love was not a selfish thing but a healthy thing. I think after that came the you have gifts you should acknowledge and be proud of. It is still tricky for me to feel like I am not bragging..but confident in my work..what ever that may be at the time.

So I will Let Fly here and say a few things to myself that I have been needing to hear. Here goes...

1. I am a good Mom..despite all the mistakes I have made as a the heart of it..I am a good Mom. K that one made me cry...

2. I am an artist..I am good at what I do..I love what I do..this is what I want to do. It is my True North.

3. I am a good teacher. This one I have less trouble with. I see it in little ones eyes and feel it in their hugs. I see it in their progress and that fire that I am allowed to spark in them about something new and exciting!! I love that one of my newer 2 yr. olds is beside herself ready to start program with me this fall! She and one other little one twice a week.

4. Most of all..I guess I want to acknowledge to myself.. that through it all..I am a person that I am happy with. Ever growing and learning..but someone I am happy to be.

So I guess my wish today is that I can grow in confidence in these things, leave fear behind and Let Fly with them. I wish to acknowledge to myself that it is ok to be comfortable in being a Mom, an artist, a!!
What do you wish for today??
Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Mama Date with Fox....

As promised, here are the pictures of my "date" with Fox. Ok so the date word didn't fly. We are ten and it sounds too much like a girly thing. Nooooo girly things please. It is embarrassing... giggle.

So we tootled on downtown. No skipping, but sky gazing works.

We stopped to smell the roses..which according to Fox were heavenly!!!
Being the ever cool dude that Fox is we had to throw a couple of these at the camera...

Nonni loves cupcakes..Fox is a cookie boy..the bigger the better. Does he look happy here??

We were waiting for the barrista (coffee girl) to bring our drinks. This is Fox being patient..he's so cute. He is now old enough to get a real coffee every now and again..but only decaf. He had the same kind as his Mama. I thought that was sweet!
This is a rare picture..Fox is more of a cat man..he likes dogs but is cautious. Dave the rat terrier thought he was just ducky and came by for a scratch. Fox obliged. He decided he liked Dave and his Father pup Andy. on a date with your have to adopt that male sense of humor if you are gonna have any fun at all. Doggy butts and not only cute but wickedly funny when you are male and ten!!! Snort...aren't they cute.

We had a fun time together. I do love that boy!!! Needs a haircut.. but he is truly turning into a man I love. The boy..I already love and adore. He is goofy and silly like his father..I love that too.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quiltling Bee #21

Mariner's Compass Quilt by... Terri Kirchner

Hello all!! So very glad you have joined me for another Quilting Bee. It seems like just the other day that we were waiting for the weather to warm up so we could move outside! Now things are a bit cool in the mornings!! It seems a bit soon even for us this far North. The leaves are turning here already!!! So..we are back in our little cottage around a warm, cozy quilt today. I have put out a cool weather feast today. Complete with hot rolls and wonderful cheeses to put in the middle. Hmmm let see there is sour dough, potato, butter flake and buttermilk biscuits and croissants. We have Cheddar, Gouda, Swiss and Colby. There are also several kinds of sliced meat if you would like... honey roasted turkey and ham, roast beef and sliced chicken. Lots of condiments also. Yogurt and granola if you would prefer. There is hot and cold tea and of course...Kona coffee with all the fixing's! Please join me and pull up a chair! I'm thrilled you are here!!

We spent the weekend on a focused pursuit!! A car! It was time. We had run out of excuses to put it off any longer. For so many reasons it was time. The kids have reached an age that they needed to get to places. To not miss chances to do ballet, sports or art, whatever presents itself. Or maybe just going to friends to play. I needed it! I have been blessed with wonderful help through our car less years - all six years of them. We have been driven about when we really needed it. I don't like to ask and we frequently took taxis or now and again rented a car. I have been bartering with one of my wonderful Moms for personal shopping for the last year or so! That was wonderful to say the least. But...of late I have missed doing my own shopping. That time to myself to tootle through the store and see whats new. I miss driving..oh I miss it so very much. I love to drive, tootle around and just explore places! I miss singing really loud in the car - yup I'm one of those people! I miss the freedom. I am relieved that I can do for myself now and not have to rely on others for these things in my life. Today we are the proud owner of a nice little Chevy Blazer. It's used ..but it's new to us! Suhweeet!! It needs a tune up and some cleaning but seems to be a good little truck.

Which brings me to my subject today. Why is it so hard to ask for help when we need it? I hate being indebted to someone, especially when I can't find a way to repay them. I struggle with the idea that someone offers me a service (did I say service...oop meant gift...hmmmm)but refuses to allow me to offer anything back. I know in my heart that they are giving from their soul and I appreciate it deeply. I want to offer up something in return and walk away from this gift with out feeling indebted. Perhaps this comes from the fact that so often in my past, "gifts" came with invisible strings that were yanked hard afterwards. Or maybe just my Libra need to keep things balanced. Either way..the lesson that the Universe has insisted that I learn in the last six car less years is this...sometimes you must take a gift that is offered with grace and say thank you. Period, just thank you nothing else...ok well maybe a hug. That's it pure and simple. Smile, appreciate and say thank you.

So you are wondering was that all you learned?? As most painful lessons in life there is always a flip side. That part that tells you that you are to use your hard earned degree in grace and offer it up to someone else. Which is tricky..this offering help stuff. There are feeling to be considered and sometimes pride to work around. Some folks will take it with an open heart and some struggle like I do. Sometimes I have learned it is better to accept a token of thanks from someone. It eases their mind and soul. A trade, a barter, whatever,something small. You see being able to accept thanks in a material way was also very hard for me. Until I understood, sometimes it eases the soul. When you are poor and someone reaches down and gives you a hand, a true loving hand of help, being able to offer something back keeps you above ground if even for a bit. Out of that pit of poverty that you often feel you are in. It reminds you that poor is a state of mind not a state of being. So I guess I am saying is this, be open to a gift in return or nothing at all. Give help without expectations. Sometimes it is about learning to accept a gift and sometimes in being able to give. What do you struggle with..the asking or the giving? Does your past influence your feelings? Tell me about you!

I think I will take some Colby and a potato roll (after all, I am from Idaho) and a wonderful cup of Kona with skim and a bit of sugar. What would you like?? Thank you for joining me again today. Your presence here honors me and warms my soul!!
Namaste, Sarah

Here she is....

Don't Forget the Giveaway...

Just a quick reminder..if you haven't entered our giveaway HERE.
We are offering three sweet treats from out Prim Group Ye Olde Thyme Prims. My original ACEO "Sweater Weather" above. Good luck to all! We appreciate your support!!
Prim Blessings, Sarah

Heather's delicious Prim bottle...

And a print of my piece..."At the Zoo"

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wrecking Sisters....

I was offered an invitation this week that I just could not resist. Grammy asked me if I would like to do a bit of Journal wrecking with them. Jamie had finished her group and these wonderful women wanted to continue wrecking together. I have watched with fascination this summer as all of you have offered up bits and pieces of these fascinating journeys. So..I decided to give it a rip and join in the growing and creating.

Now be patient with me..I am new at this. I have not done a mix of collage with my artwork this one..I am getting my toes wet so to speak. More words next time I think..yes??? Thank you Grammy for having me!! I am delighted!

As to the meaning here? I do work for sale..lots of work. It is my joy and bliss. The chance to do work for my own soul..double bliss!!! So I am jumping in and diving deep to find the me in the work. What my soul wants to doodle and why it does. she is a mermaid..the ocean calls me always. Invites me to delve into the deep of me. We shall see what treasures I collect there. Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Special Award..Twice!

A few months back I met Ces and Bella. I was lucky enough to be given their wonderful award for Renee by Ces personally (she is an amazing woman). I was quite touched by this. Bella popped into see me then too and I got to know her sweet self. Not to long after that, as Bella was preparing to move her family from Japan back here to the states her husband suddenly passed away. Heart wrenching to say the least. Bella has been back a few times to check in..but as you can well imagine she is busy with her life. Our hearts and prayers are with you Bella!!

Bella's partner in crime and dear friend Ces, created this beautiful award in honor of Bella. I have been blessed twice this week by two wonderful women. Sherry and Becca both offered this award to me and I take it with deep gratitude! Thank you both!!

In Ces's words...
"I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us."

I will offer this award with love to....
Holly sister..
Anne sister
There were 50 more I could have listed many bloggers I love..I limited myself to nine. Namaste, Sarah

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Big News..A New Esty Shop.....

You may have noticed along the left side of my blog here..that I have started a blog for my photography. My big news...I have also started a new shop on Etsy for my photos!!! I'm excited, I'm scared...I'm thrilled!! I'm hoping that if you have not been to visit my new blog or new Etsy shop that you might honor me with your presence and let me know what ya think?? Thank you so much...Sarah

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our Shepherdess Jamie has asked us another thought provoking question this morning. "Who is the You you wish to be?? Well..that is THE question, no?? I think most of us wear several hats! I know I do... Mom, wife, sister, friend, teacher, business owner, artist, care provider, tutor, crafter, photographer, provider, bill payer, family organizer, student, mentor, moderator....etc., etc.... I could write a page full I am sure. These are all good things..I love being these things. But somewhere along the line..the Me in all of it got a bit fuzzy. If I have to narrow it down to what the Universe is asking and directing me to right now it would be the creative side of me.

This is a wonderful question for me right now!! In September I am taking a leap of faith and taking a three mornings off during the preschoolers until 11am. I am packing the other end of the day with kiddos...but those three mornings will be all about the artwork. I'm excited, but oddly calm about the approaching date. I think because the real ME, the creative art producing ME is the one I am suppose to be. My True North. All of the bits and pieces that needed to happen to make this gel are coming together nicely. So this is the me I wish to be!! The creative side of me! What do you wish this morning?

Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I've Been Featured..TWICE!!!

I am very pleased to say that I am featured on two blogs today BWBA - Because We Believe Art.. a holiday art group & SEHA Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists!! I am happy dancing all over the place!!

I love the groups on Ebay. They have been a wonderful place to learn and grow! BWBA is a group of amazing artists who specialize in all kinds of Holiday Art. They let me stretch my Halloween legs into other holidays. Amazingly talented folks at work there! Not to mention several very good friends!!

SEHA is one of the very first groups that invited me to join on Ebay! They are a wonderful, amazing group of Halloween artists. As you know I adore Halloween art. I never knew there was such a huge market for it until I joined this group!! Whoo hoo lucky me!!! They are truly an eclectic,wonderful group. Some of my closest friends hale from these amazing folks!!

Thank you to both groups for finding my work worth featuring in such a wonderful way!! Huge thanks..I am honored!

Namaste, Sarah

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quilting Bee # 20

Good morning!! I think being it is our twentieth meeting, cake is in order! So I have invited our favorite Barrista to come by and create delicious coffee and tea creations for us and the cakes... well let me tell you. Warning this is not a low calorie meeting today!! We have Black Forest, Coconut, German chocolate, White cake with the most delightful lemon custard filling and a lemon butter cream frosting, Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, traditional white cake with white frosting, and traditional chocolate cake with fudge frosting. I have set them all up on lovely milk glass pedestals. Ohhh they are pretty!! I have racked an interesting quilt inside today as it is cool and rainy here, please pull up a chair and join me won't you?

Do you have a shelf full of books at home? I do...some are new and perfect, some old and worn, some fancy coffee table books and some old worn paperbacks. There are lots of subjects and genres. Some I've read once, some I have not found the time for yet others are worn and dogeared by my loving hands as they have been read again and again. I believe people are like books. That old adage, don't judge a book by its cover, is very true I have found.

I am guilty of judging others. I try hard not to, but I catch myself now and again judging the cover rather than the soul. I did it more before I was suddenly thrown into the group folks labeled; poor, welfare parent, person standing in the food bank line, woman with food stamps. Yup I have been that woman. It was a huge wake up call for me to suddenly go from being one of those lovely coffee table books to a used up paperback. You see I still felt like a lovely coffee table book, what I was lacking was the depth of that well used, well loved paperback. It was painful to be judged constantly. But like most lessons we are given..pain hopefully leads to understanding.

I found that the more I looked beyond my perceptions of what my eyes saw and looked at what my soul saw, the more beautiful souls I saw. Some of them were so profoundly beautiful and wise it shocked and embarrassed my soul. I had looked on them as a label..not a person. It was like someone had opened a curtain and all of these amazing people stepped out to greet me, welcome me, care about me. All of the people I had thought of as used up paperbacks were in fact precious old manuscripts to treasure and hold dear to my heart.

One such couple live in our little town, they are "slow" but the most giving people I know. I am greeted with a hug from them both each time I see them, they come running to me with "Ooooh Sarah how wonderful to see you!" They might not have seen me for ages, but never forget my name. Or they might have seen me yesterday..the greeting is the same, pure joy to see me!! They are to me a perfect example of being present in their perceptions of all. They do not care what we wear or what socioeconomic group I hale from. They see the soul!

So I was thinking this weekend as Nonni and I sat in our coffee shop, wondering if my ability to stay present with my own perceptions were in line. Was I still looking at people's souls or was I back to judging their looks and circumstances? I had to remind myself..people have their own path to follow, their own lessons to learn. Some of them are not pretty or fun..but ultimately it makes their book a much better read.

The cakes are calling me..I adore a good piece of carrot cake - I do. I will have a small slice of that and hmmmmmm maybe a skinny, double shot, English toffee latte. What can I get for you?? I am beyond blessed that you have come again! That I am still writing - whoo hoo I am writing- my 20th Quilting Bee!! Thank you so very much for coming!! Namaste, Sarah

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some New Work and a Finished WIP

I was happy with this one..kinda fun to pull out the color! "Falling Color" was created with real oak leaves and they are actual size.

Here is a new pen and ink.."Vintage Witch".

Here is the finished WIP of "The Quilted Moon"...

All three of these are listed on Ebay. Thanks for flyin' by!!

A Date With Nonni...

I was given some wonderful advice by a wise woman whom I love this week. Not sure how this one slipped my mind. In the midst of life...I forgot this gem. My sister Barb gently offered this advice..
"You might think about taking your kids on dates."
Being a wiser woman myself these days, I listened. In the past I wasn't so good at this, listening to sisterly advice. But I got smart. The picture above says it all!! Love that!!

Nonni and I went off to our favorite bakery and coffee house. Hot cocoa for her a serious latte for me. We sat and chatted and watched the folks walk by. We drank our treats and giggled...alot!

We went walking when we were done and Nonni met Meeko. She has a way with critters..they just love her. Look at his chin on her chest and the look in his amazing eyes. She loves them and they know it. (More pictures of the amazing Meeko soon.)

If you were wondering who Nonni looks like in the family...guess who this darling girl is?? Yup that same wise woman I love...Barb.

Stay tuned for my date with Fox. Have a great Sunday all! Namaste, Sarah