
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Sunday morning....

Almost got it - a bug of course!!

The kids and I went off to the park on Sunday in an effort to keep our minds off Jim's absence. Good for the spirit and my backside. We headed down to visit big sister Katie at the restaurant where she works downtown..but alas she wasn't there yet. So we tootled down to the lake and got our tootsies wet.

Then we stopped by the local coffee house for a quick treat..iced latte for me, cookies for the kids. Nonni found this big adorable fellow. He seemed as enchanted with her as she was with him. A big ol' softy!!!

Then of course the swings were just across the street, so well we had to go swing!! While we were there a wonderful family joined us. Look at that sweet face!!!

Even better...look at her Mama's lovely face...

But by far my very favorite picture of the day (other than my own clanletts) was this shot. Why, because I bet people judge this Dad because of his slightly biker look, tattoos, handlebar mustache. But....look at the hands, do you see the gentleness in those hands as he helps this sweet child across the balance beam. Look at his face. The beautiful contrast in this touched me. The contrast in these two wonderful people touched me. Beautiful!
Namaste, Sarah


  1. The last picture stole my heart Sarah. I LOVE seeing dads with their kids. It swells my heart!

  2. It's wonderful! And, I'm so glad you were there to capture it!

    Sarah, you know I've had lots of dogs in my life and I am always concerned how little ones stay safe from canine misunderstanding...

    SO take this for what it's worth. Please teach your children to touch a dog, under it's face on it's neck first, and not reach over the dog's head to touch the top of it.

    Dogs, are very wary of that, even the best dog, from people they don't know well. See how it's looking up at her hand?

    The dog can see a hand coming under its chin and once contact is made, and all is well, then go up and scratch the top of the head.

    Just FYI! Want to keep Nonni, Fox, and all young ones safe.

  3. Your photos are wonderful. I think the folks in ND must all be beautiful! Father and daughter -- very special.

  4. Thanks Holly I do apprecieate the input. Having trained several pooches over the years..Nonni knows to always ask before approaching and come palms up and allow a sniff & chin scratch before petting. I always freak when children rush up to Lucy without asking and stick their little faces right up to her nose. Yikes!!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. What nice pictures. You have a different perspective on the world, I think. Most people can never find beauty unless its a socially acceptable version of it. Big biker guy looks like he is holding something very precious in his hands. I think you noticed something not always obvious to others. And the kindess you are teaching your children to have towards living creatures is beautiful. If we could spread a little more of what you have, just think of how much better off the world would be.

  6. What beautiful portraits, each and every one, Sarah! You have a wonderful eye. Each story tells a story. Great captures of precious moments!
    Love & Light~
    OM girl

  7. That is such an awesome picture! You are right - the gentleness of the "tough" guy permeates the picture. That little girl is well loved. Oh Sarah, my heart breaks for you guys missing Jim, but I am happy to see that you are keeping busy with "distractions" and along the way encountering the wonders of our world.
    Love and hugs to you.

  8. Those are all wonderful pictures ... priceless.

  9. What a beautiful Sunday!!! I wish I were there!


  10. You caught a beautiful moment with the man and his daughter!

    And Nonni with the dog! Precious!

  11. Thanks for sharing these photos! Namaste


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