
Friday, July 31, 2009

A Few Shots I Liked.....

Do you see the heart in this daisy??? Isn't nature wonderful!!

So I thought a bit of beauty was in order today. I am feeling low and was thinking rather than vent, I would try to redirect my blues into something that will maybe lighten my heart. In the process..maybe it will bring a smile to your heart too!!

I just really liked this picture..pumpkin vines curling,or uncurling as the case may be.

Here is Nonni doodling away...hmmm wonder who she got that from??

OK so this just makes me smile. Yup there it is the smile I was looking for. A lovely shot of Lucy Lu..she was after those goldfish in the last shot - Mama had some..she wanted some..what a sweet face!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Namaste, Sarah


  1. Oh, Lucy!! What a face. She looks just like Sylvester....if she'd been a cat. No, really. I'll send you a picture.

  2. Ah a heart in the daisy, so lovely.
    I also love the pumpkin spiral, simply awesome! doodles are the best and your pup makes me smile too!
    Wishing you a great weekend.


  3. Love the photo of the pumpkin tendril!! And Lucy Lu looks just adorable! Hoping you will have a smile on your face soon! I will be thinking of you when I'm taking pictures in Tuscany!

  4. Aren't you just the wise one today to realize that the energy invested is the same whether it's to gross or create. You are very, very wise.

    And, I think today...I think I'm going to attempt to follow your example!

    Rory & Fiona send "Aroo!" to Lucy Lu!

  5. Gorgeous photos, especially the pumpkin tendril: the sacred spiral of life!

  6. That heart is amazing!!
    I hope you have a good day.

    I have to ask, what type of camera do you have?

  7. Hearts, tendrils, children, pets, smiles - that should brighten all of our days !!!

    Hope things look up for you soon.

  8. Sarah, you must have been reading my mind! Last night I was wondering if any of your beautiful children had inherited any of your talents. I'm so happy to see that the answer is "Yes!"

    Thank you for continuing to share your insights into your world. I'm thoroughly enjoying the journey!

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend, too!

  9. Sarah, your photos are beautiful and indeed made me smile. I wish you a bliss filled weekend my friend!

  10. The vine also reminds me of a fiddlehead fern! Neat observation about the heart in the daisy.

  11. Aaah, lovely pictures. You have such a lovely family and I soooo want a puppy that maybe I could borrow Lucy Lu, she's gorgeous :)

    Kim x

  12. Wonderful shots all. Give yourself a hug!


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