
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday....

Our wonderful wishcast leader Jamie has asked us this morning...What do we wish to savour? thinking food off the top of my head..but I think what I really want to savour is the summer.

Call me crazy but honestly summer is my least favorite time of the year. I think alot of this has to do with the fact that I lived in Scottsdale, AZ for years. Although I really loved the place, I am a cold weather girl at heart. I love the beauty of the desert and there is amazing beauty there, just not the heat. I love sunshine too..just not in such huge doses. So living up here in the Pacific NorthWest is just right for me...mostly. I tend to spend this time of the year looking longingly towards the Fall, which is my very favorite time of the year.

I long to enjoy the summers of my youth, filled with fun and relaxation. I want to have a different mindset this savour it, eat it up with a ice cold spoon & soak in the sunshine. I want to give myself permission to let go of all the stress, the housework, the job and take advantage of the several hours of sunshine after my school kiddos go home! I want to devour delicious summer books and drink ice cold ice tea till I pop. I want to play with my kids with abandon, have water fights and play in the mud. I want to try and find the fun in summer again.

I start a vacation this Saturday, the first one in many years that was longer than 4 days, I figure (thank you Jamie for the reminder) this would be a good time to start savouring summer again. So my wish today is to enjoy summer again!! Namaste, Sarah


  1. Another one of the reasons I love you; you and I share the exact same notions of the seasons! I agree with you completely.

    So, I'm with you in dropping my notions of summer and allowing it to convince me I've been wrong all these years.

    Sarah, my bright shiny one, as you wish for yourself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for you also!

    Here's to find the joys of summer together, Friend!

  2. Oh my goodness Sarah, you described your wish so poetically! I love summer, but you made me long for it! I do hope that you spend time this summer, playing with abandon - living life to the fullest! And enjoying iced tea by the bucket load!

  3. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    May the joys of summer surround you abundantly.

  4. Last night I saw my first firefly and was reminded of my youth and the joy of getting an old jar and catching them until the late hours of the night. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also!

  5. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also. I hope you can really enjoy your summertime this year!

  6. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!happy hols!

  7. What a wonderful wish! Happy summer savoring to you Sarah! :-)

  8. We have very similar wishes again. I completely understand not liking the heat that much. I grew up in Texas where we stayed inside most of the day in the Summer because of the heat.

    May you enjoy this Summer and savour all that it offers to you.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


  9. Ai yi yi, Sarah ... I've been in Phoenix for 30 years, and I DETEST summers now (except for the monsoons) ... summer is hibernation from the heat; and I'm not the shut-in type. So I GET IT... AND FERVENTLY HAPPILY WILDLY wish for you as you wish for yourself, the rediscovery of summer's gifts and nuances and celebrations!

  10. As Sarah wishes to savour the summer for herself, so too do I wish for Sarah!

  11. Oh, I do hope you enjoy the summer before you, Sarah! Summer is my absolute favorite time of the least up here in the cool Dakotas! Our fall is so short, spring sometimes non-existent, and winter lasts forever! So summer is the time for evening walks, sitting on the porch and just soaking in all the beauty!

  12. I must admit I don't miss the Arizona heat. I grew up in Chicago so loved the snow and cold growing up.. now I don't want that either.. but definitely not the extreme heat either.

    CHECK MY BLOG, you have been tagged :)

  13. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her.

    Happy Summer, Sarah! Enjoy it!

  14. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Your description of the summer you wish to have, which you will have, is delightful. I want to have a similar summer here.

  15. I think I am more of a cold weather girl as well.
    I agree with you, let us savor summer!
    It is glorious!

  16. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

    Enjoy a summer vacation!

  17. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  18. Sarah, that which you wish for, i wish for you also. (specially since I'm in Arizona!)

  19. Yes, yes, yes, permission to savor summer and be in the present with every single moment of it!!!! May that wish be granted for all of us! :)

  20. As Sarah wishes for herself, so do I wish for her also. Give yourself permission, girl!

  21. Hope you have a great summer!

  22. As Sarah wishes for herself and her summer, so I wish for her also!

    May you rediscover your childhood summers. The languishing, lolling laughter-filled summers :)

  23. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Sounds like a wonderful summer! Enjoy :)

  24. From one autumn-hearted girl to the next....
    as Sarah wishes for herself I so wish for her as well...


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