
Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Treasured Award and..A Picture of Me...

Last week Jenn gave me an's been too busy around here to give it the time it deserved. I have known her for a bit now about a year. To be honest when I first knew her I thought she was older than I - by a few good years. Turns out - well she's younger and I'm guessing a wise older soul. She is gentle spirited and has an interesting light about her, not only that brilliant light, hers is also gentle and inviting. Jenn is that candle in the window on a dark night. She has been a huge supporter of my artwork and I am blessed to call her a friend. I was deeply touched that she has chosen me to receive this award. Thank you Jenn! I am honored that you think of me this way!!!

You can never extinguish the Light that Shines Brightly within all of us. If there is Hope, there is Light, if there is a Dream, that same Light will lead the way, and this Award I created this evening reflects that Creative Spark, that Light we all hold within us, but there are certain people who come to mind that Shine So Brightly that you can't help notice the Warmth that illuminates in all they do, and in what they represent and just who they are:

All you have to do is pass it along to those whose Light Shines even within the Darkest Night~
Lisa Because she is a clear light to all those around her.
Holly Because she illuminates everyone around her.

Hanna & I were messing around with my camera. She insisted on taking some pics of me. be honest..I hate pictures of myself. I have a few more pounds on me than I would prefer and I just do not photograph well. Seriously I don't. I have been asked to post a pic of myself and have hesitated until today. Hanna got a few very nice shots. is a pic of me that I was kinda happy with......


  1. Sarah....You are so BEAUTIFUL!!!

    I love that photo..I know I hate photos of me too...UGH...But you are so gorgeous..

    I love ya sweetie inside and out..

    Sonia ;)

  2. Awww, you look so beautiful and soul-ful! Awesome photo, Sarah! :-)

  3. Great pic Sarah! Why do we hate to see ourselves! You're beautiful Sarah!

  4. Look there! It's beautiful Sarah! Hanna is a budding photographer!

  5. Sarah, you are just aa gorgeous physically as you are spiritually! What a wonderful picture Ms Hannah herself took!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Sarah. It is hot, hot, hot here for the first time this summer! I think that I have drank 3 litres of water,and I am still thirsty!

  6. Sarah, even before I saw a picture of you I have thought of you as beautiful! You are one of the sweetest kindest people I know. I don't know why you wouldn't want your picture taken, you have a lovely face and it reflects the beauty with. Tell Hannah I think she did a good job on the picture.

  7. You are gorgeous!! I just knew it from your heartfelt words!

  8. No need to shy from pictures....You are BEAUTIFUL! :)

    Wonderful and heartfelt post and thank you for sharing with us! :)

  9. You're beautiful - you look just like I had pictured you!


  10. A well deserved award and a lovely photo....wish I still had my long hair...sigh!!

  11. First...congratulations on a well deserved award! Second..your daughter is a great photographer...a stunning picture of a beautiful lady! Love the eyes...the window to the soul...

  12. Congratualation of another award! You so deserved it. And you are beautiful ... ;)

  13. Sarah:
    You can't know how wonderful it is for me to put a beautiful face with the beautiful voice. Thanks you for letting us peek at you. This beautiful. And, thank you for passing along this wonderful award. It means a great deal that you feel this way about my work.

    Bright Blessings, Both Near & Far...

    Your Friend,

  14. Goodness gracious! You are absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad you posted this picture! You're such a sweetheart and it shows in your eyes and smile! Have a great day!

  15. Nice picture! Congrats on the award!

  16. I can see your eternal light, the eternal light shinning in your eyes. Thank you~

  17. Congrats on your award, and thank you for visiting my blog. Your art is lovely.

  18. Oh, look at you, you are so lovely! Great photo!!!
    Hugs, Anja

  19. Congratualtions on your award! That is a beautiful photograph of you, you have gorgeous eyes!

  20. Awwww thnk you all!! I'm so touched.
    Hugs, Sarah

  21. Oh my God Sarah you are gorgeous. Wow.

    You need to look in a mirror a whole lot more often. You are stunning.

    When you describe yourself, that is not what I would have expected you to look like.

    Sarah you are gorgeous.

    Great picture and you have beautiful eyes.


  22. Such a pretty picture of a sweet and beautiful woman! I love it and a HUGE congratulations on your award.


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!