
Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm So Touched and Delighted!!

Well.... I was in tears again... you guys are gonna think thats all I do I swear - am not a teary girl - well at least I didn't used to be!! I guess there have been lots of good reasons to tear up of late. I do love awards... because... despite doing lots of stuff in my life till now... this is really the first time that people have said - hey I really like what you do or what you create. So.. I guess it still always shocks me when someone offers me up one of these sweet little treats - I'm doing a happy dance everytime!!

So... my first sweet treat came from Audrey. Audrey is one of those mazing women that I have been blessed with knowing here on the blogs. If you haven't been to her blog - you really must - I insist!! She is wicked funny - you know that dry Canadian funny - kinda like Brit funny. She recently did a post about her darling nieces visit to her house - yup more morning coffe shot out of the nose(sorry) but honestly the woman cracks me up!! She has such an amazing spirit - so strong and beautiful - you know Xena strong!! Forget the rock star Audrey - I would much rather be Xena!! I guess that strenth crosses over to her life before cancer - wow girl I wanna travel like you, bold and fearless travel! Now that she has been battling cancer.. she is still bold an fearless, facing down Dr.'s and crowds of med students - pushing her ideas - amazing ones by the way about what the medical industry need to know about what patients really need!! But.. for me Audrey is a dear friend and I adore her. She has unfailingly supported up not only me but my artwork! Thank you hon - I am honored & touched that you offered me this special award!! I was over the moon when I saw that you gave it to me!! See me dancin'.......

This award was developed by Tessa in honor of Dr Maithri Goonetilleke's birthday. Tessa was inspired by the way Dr Goonetileke reaches out to others and, with his humanity as her guide, she created this award "to acknowledge the depth and breadth of the warm open-heartedness from bloggers all over the world who reach out and touch their readers with their words."

Tessa goes on to quote Dr Goonetilleke: "It has been my experience that whenever one human being reaches out to another in compassion, a bridge is built. A bridge which leads out of despair, into the light of hope and the possibility that tomorrow will hold a few less tears than yesterday."

I love that - how amazing and how true - how blessed I am that someone out there thinks I offer this up! Thank you Audrey!! You are a blessing to me!!
So... now the hard part... three folks to send it off too.

Renee... who despite everything she is going through never ever fails to support me up and reach out to so many with this kind of grace! Her sprirt amazes me on a daily basis and her pluck - giggle rock girl!!

Sherry... another amazing woman in my circle who I adore and although you all may not know it spreads her grace in so many places - we tend to follow each other around the web. She too has been there for me so many times and is one of my biggest fans artwise. Which honestly amazes me because she and her husband have more talent in their little fingers than I do!!

Sonia.... Who reaches out to me with a regular "quack" and a hug for me. She never fails to jump in and support up others and I am deeply blessed that I am one of them. Her artwork - omg she makes the cutest sheep - I am the proud owner of one of them!! Hee hee looove him and her too. She is just one of those people who sets the standard for this award.

I was also tagged by....JuneMoonToon, the "Your a Ten". If you have not been to this wonderful woman's blog - goooooooooo nowww!! She is often short and sweet and to the point - a very clear one!! She - unlike me manages to share her thoughts in short wonderful, poemfilled, photo filled ways - I'm not sure how she does it - it is a gift. Beyond this - she is really a wonderful friend - thanks for taggin' me hon!!!

The tag is to offer up 6 things you love...I have done a few of these now so I'm going to add a twist - here are 6 things I love about one thing..

My bed....
1.How amazing it feels when the sheets are clean and I climb in after a bath.
2.How wonderful lavender smells on the sheets.
3.How delicious it feels to crawl into cool sheets after a day at the beach.
4.My quilt from Goodwill - gorgeous - I adore a heavy old quilt.
5.The window at the head of my be where the cool air flows through all summer.
6.All the night sounds and early morning bird's singing first thing in the morning!

I will pass this fun tag onto....
Becky - who's photo blog - is so very much more - she is wonderful too - go visit!
My sis Anne
BohoMom - You will love her blog... so much fun and she is amazing!!


  1. Well done yet again Sarah, you must be getting it right!!

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWW Sarah...Im hugging you from Texas....That is so sweet...You are truly a friend, supporter, and loving free spirit who I adore....Im hugging the quacking stuffing out of you....I need to make some more sheep..LOL...Because of you hun and ur artwork I have been drawing with pen.....I have met some truly wonderful people here in Blogland and you are one of the bestest sweetie....Ok sniff sniff snort..sorry had to use a sleeve...Tracey isnt around for I grab sarah's sleeve and snort and wipe tears...Thankie Quacker...

    Snort, tears and Smiles,
    Sonia ;)

  3. Congratulations!!!

  4. OK Sarah - now you have ME weeping! I swear, between the two of us we could create an actual ocean with our tears ;)
    Thank you for your kind, kind words! I love you, my friend!

  5. How wonderful Sarah and every single thing you said about Audrey was true. All of it.

    I also love Sonia.

    What a good group you have around you.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  6. Oh Mental Swan you have grown such beautiful feathers in such a short time.

    Love you always xoxoxo

  7. Goodness Gurl! So deserved and so grand! And, you forgot to tell everyone how happy I was to find your art so you could capture my Rory & Fiona so very well and fun!


  8. Thank you for the sweet words about me, I don't see it at all but you make me want aspire to get there.
    Love your 6 things about your bed, at least 4 of them are mine too!


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!