
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Friday Shoot Out...Rainbow of Colors

Debbie at The Pink Birdhouse gave us our theme today.. The colors of the rainbow!! So...Mhanon and I tootled around town in search of flowers to look at & photograph..and we saw this darling neighbor of ours, isn't she cute!!

Then we took pictures of all of these.... please click on the collage for a closer view!

And when I went home and edited all of these pictures..I found this little guy in the corner of one of the pictures...

And of course, after all that walking, chatting and giggling we had to get a little treat...


  1. Beautiful, I especially love the orange and blue pansies!


  2. Great shots! Love the brightness and vivid colors.

  3. Fantastic! Oh my goodness Sarah, the flowers are so exquisite! The orange and purple pansys as well as the gerber daisies are my favorites!
    But the best picture is Ms Nonnie eating her lolly! Good job!

  4. Okay, I'm allergic to them, all of them, really allergic, but, but, but, I WANT THAT CAT!!!!!

    And, the collage? I WANT to know how to do that!

    And, I WANT a lick of that lolly!

    I WANT to spend the day following you around.

    The fly? Not so much. Have a great weekend! Hugs!!!

  5. That is so sweet, you and your little girl taking photos and walks together!!

  6. Beautiful! and I love the inch worm, too.

    So you used to live in Raliegh! I have not yet been there, but wouldn't mind exploring more of NC. Living in the mountains here is as a dream *smiling*

    thank you for visiting and leaving a comment - and now i know the name of those flowers!

  7. Wonderful shots! Knowing you, there just had to be a little critter or two hidden in the flowers! :D

  8. beautiful series of color shots! all of your other shots can also be used for next weeks theme......Celebrate Life! you have a head start on all of us. fantastic post!

  9. My goodness girl you have a billion gorgeous flowers around you! Wow! So very pretty and yes a rainbow.
    Wishing you a grand weekend!

  10. OH so beautiful...Love your pictures...Go by my site left you a thank award just a thank you..

    Quack, honk, and loves
    Sonia xoxo

  11. The little girl is just a darling! What a fun post. I loved the collage!

  12. beautiful! That photo with the bee almost makes me jerk my hand away!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - now I've found yours so double thanks!

  13. Your post makes me smile!
    Love & Light~
    OM girl

  14. Oh, I'm so glad I didn't do a collage - I would never have been able to do such a beautiful job.

  15. Loved the collage! Beautiful pics!

  16. Oh, your flower collage took my breath away. Those bi-colored pansies...too much. Thank you.


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