
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday!

The amazing Jamie has asked us "What Frivolous treat do you wish for?" Oh.... a delicious fun filled - don't have to think too much wish - I looove it!! Of coarse - the narrowing down part is the trick.
Assuming money is not an issue here... a very long weekend in a little beachfront cabin. I would require the ocean with all it's delicious smells and sun. I would require those four days to be just me all alone... well maybe the dog. Four days to do nothing but read good summer novels, music and silly dancing, journaling and do artwork or needle work till I'm sick of it. Then in the middle of the day just plop down and take a nap!! No schedule, just what ever my heart desires. Then come home refreshed and relaxed. Yup that would work!! Sounds good to me!
Namaste, Sarah


  1. As Sarah wishes for herself, I also wish for her!

  2. May you have your days in the sun!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  3. Sarah Dear Sarah:

    I can see you all bronzed and gold from being kissed by the sun and washed by the your eyes that languid calm that comes from hearing the sounds of the shore.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also.

    By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea...I see Sarah.

  4. Sounds like a great wish ... I wish it for you.

  5. Yay! A weekend to totally relax- as Sarah wishes for herself,so I also wish for her.

  6. That sounds amazing Sarah! I would like to rent a little beachfront cabin right next door to yours :))

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.


  7. As Sarah wishes I wish for her also.

  8. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    What a treat!

  9. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Oh that sounds so nice! Enjoy!

  10. I am so wishing that for you...and I would come along, too!

  11. As Sarah wishes for herself, I also wish for her! art & frolic & naps in the sunshine & romping through the waves & dancing in the moonlight ... yes yes yes!!!!

  12. As Sarah wishes for herself, I also wish for her!

    Simply Divine! I always wanted a Beach Cottage myself!

  13. As Sarah wishes for herself, I also wish for her!

  14. I've always said the ocean recharges my batteries. What I wouldn't give for a vacation on the Oregon coast.

    As Sarah wishes, I wish for her also.


  15. Huge thanks for stopping by at my blog and wishing me a great week. It makes me happy.

    So I thought I would come by here and wish for your week to be wonderful as well!

  16. Amazing wish there-sounds like heaven indeed.....

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her as well....
    with all my heart.


  17. As Sarah wishes for herself, I truly wish for her also!

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    may you have a long fun filled weekend very soon!

  19. I love your work! It inspires me. I am a former artist who has gotten off the art wagon...I plan to jump back on soon again. Thank you for your awesome blog!!!
    Love, follower

  20. That is the BEST wish! I truly hope that wish is a reality for you! And like so many others, I wanted to say that I would be next door to you, but with all of us joining you, we are taking away from the solitude you longed for! Instead, you will arrive at your "wish" vacation with a posse of giggling, yakking, noisy women friends!

  21. As Sarah wishes for herself, I truly wish for her also!

  22. Oh that sounds like sooo much fun bring on the posse of giggling, yakking, noisy women friends Audrey - whoo hoo!

  23. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)

    May your weekend in that lovely seaside cottage, restore your spirits and your body, and refresh your mind and soul! :)

  24. As Sarah wishes, so I wish for her.

    (Can I be in the cottage next door?!!)

    Love the new tags!

  25. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  26. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also!~*

    May your sea side dreams find you. :)

    Much Joy, Many Blissings~

  27. As Sarah wishes for a beach cottage vacation, so I wish for her also!

  28. Sounds heavenly and so, as Sarah wishes, I wish also for her :)

    Kim x

  29. As Sarah wishes for herself, so wish for her also.

    Your wish sounds amazing and I pray you receive this time away to relax and be rejuvenated!

  30. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    That is THE MOST ADORABLE cottage I've ever seen!
    May all your wishes come true!

  31. Four days by the ocean sounds soooo good. The ocean is so cleansing isn't it? You deserve it, Sarah! Love, Sis. XXOOXXOO

  32. Great picture there of the cottage. And why should that wish not be granted! Maybe this summer...

  33. you can have your wish but can I come along too?


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!