
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday

What is your highest self wishing for?
What's rumbling in your soul?
These are the questions Jamie is asking this week!

Hmmmmm always takes me a minute to work through these. I guess a couple of things, I feel like I am always working towards being present these days & to trust myself. I guess that is a big one - to trust my instincts and experience, wisdom. My divorce was very traumatic for everyone in the family & I have found of late (or at least I am more aware of it now)that I sometimes base larger decisions on fear. Fear that I will make poor large decisions - fear of deciding at all. I was very good at letting fly before my divorce - following my instincts and moving forward with strength. Now... I second guess myself - alot! Not as often as I used to - getting better but I get bound up with being WAY to serious and forget to let fly - even when my higher self is screaming -BE BRAVE, GO THIS WAY, TAKE A WALK, TRUST YOURSELF, SAY NOOOOOO....LET FLY! So I think my higher self is wishing for me to have more trust in myself & let go of the fear. Please enjoy Jim Carrey on me - this one cracks me up! Namaste, Sarah


  1. As Sarah wishes, so I wish for her.

    Go fly, my dear!

  2. Okay, you say, 'first' divorce...are there others? I'm thinking not...or hoping not...or if so...good for you for making change happen when it's needed.

    No Fear, Sarah! It's the mind killer. So I join your hand, and watch you back as you step forward, always forward and I join you, As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for this Dear One, also.

  3. As you wish for yourself I wish for you.

    Fly and quack on...I am here for ya..

    Sonia ;)

  4. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    We are thinking along the same lines today Sarah. May your wish come true and may you be able to trust in yourself. You can never go wrong that way. :)

  5. Leave the fear behind (and mine too)!

    As Sarah wishes, so I wish for her!

  6. Spread those wings and let the fear fly! Love the Jim Carrey pic...Ace Ventura all the way!

  7. May your higher self embrace all your needs and let you fly freely and with great joy!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  8. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also
    leave fear behind and fly high,sky is your limit!

  9. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Always trust and you will never regret.

  10. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also!~*

    May the Universe help you sprout the wings you need. :)

    Much Joy,

  11. As Sarah wishes for herself, I truely wish for her also! Grab my hand Sarah, I need to fly from fear! Just like Thelma and Louise, expect we fly of course! PS: that picture reminds me so much of myself in working hours right now! Haha!Dancing to Madonna's Material Girl on your playlist, no fear of bopping anyway! Best of luck!

  12. As Sarah wishes, so I wish for her.

  13. I always needed someone to hold my hand when I was in that place-must be something in the divorce decree that we don't see that says we have that fear thing going on....

    I'll hold you hand and help you fly. :-) If it helps. :-)

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I completely wish for her as well with all my heart.

  14. JUUUUMMMMPPPP! Take that leap! There is a book somewhere out there called, Feel the Fear, and Do It Anyway! I know it is scary, but I think that we have to follow our hearts/heads/intuition! We are all here to support you - trust and let fly!!!!

  15. I think we all need to have more trust in ourselves.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  16. oh sarah,, i am sending such love- i hope you relocate what is missing in your world sweet friend- i trust you will xx

  17. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    May you bask in the glow of your self-trust, and be empowered by its strength :)

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  19. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Let fly! Trust your higher self - she's a wise woman :)

  20. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


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