
Monday, May 25, 2009

This Made My Month...

I received a wonderful comment on my Quilting Bee today from the amazing Ces - honestly just having her visit was wonderful...but... she gave me a wonderful gift too. I know it's kinda silly, well maybe not, I have really wanted this award ever since Ces and Bella created it for my dear Friend Renee. I has seen it grow as it was supposed to like a little acorn and passed from person to person & have taken joy in seeing where it went. But.... I have also really wanted this one, hoped it might come my way. What I did not expect was that I would have one of the originators of this award give it to me and now that I'm done sobbing - I know silly... I can send out a huge thank you to Ces for honoring me herself. I am deeply touched.

I know I'm gushing, but bear with me... let me tell you why this meant to very much to me. Several months ago, at the beginning of my blogging, I found Renee's blog. The day I found it I spent a spellbound 2 hours reading back posts and trying to catch up with this amazing woman's life. I cried and laughed and snorted. I was hooked. I swear she reached out through the computer and touched my heart!

Since that day we have become friends. We have exchanged treats and tears and she has been such an amazing source of support in my life. She has gentle but firmly helped me through several tough spots in my life. She also has a habit of making me snort liquids - usually coffee- out my nose from laughing so hard. She is the reason I now write anything at all on my blog. She has become more than a friend to me and I adore her!!

So.... Renee, remember the Mental Duck to Mental Swan.... here it is...

Thank you so very much Ces for giving this to me and also to both you and Bella for creating it - you really are an amazing pair!!! Thank you Renee for just being you!

I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds its way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns…

So... I will pass this along to a couple of special folks...

To Sherry - who is another amazing friend and a constant support in my life.
To Holly - another amazing woman whom I adore and her wisdom never fails to amaze me.
To Heather - Another dear friend who is always there for me.
To Audrey - whom I adore and has been an unfailing support to me also!!


  1. Sarah - I am beyond words! I am SO grateful to you! Like you, I have long coveted this award (well, ever since Renee's birthday!). This award is so special to me - during the darkest days of my intial consultation and subsequent treatment, I visualized a mighty oak tree and I told myself repeatedy, "No matter what - you need to be strong like that tree! You use your roots to ground you, and do not bend regardless of how strong the wind blows!" The imagery helped me through so much. Sarah - I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have "met" you. I absolutely love and adore you! Thank you SO much.

  2. Congrats Sarah....

    Clap Clap Clap.....theres the duck thing again..Quack deserve this.

    Sonia ;)

  3. Sarah:
    I'm very touched that an award that means so much to you has been gifted to your fun pages.

    I love your art, and I adore your honesty and willingness to make us all a little braver to do the very same thing in our pages.

    So, congrats to you, Dear One! And, for forwarding this to me and more so because of what you said about me...

    Bright Blessings and Abundance...


  4. Well done, well deserved and I LOVE your new header (not sure how to underline in a comment, but it is underlined)

  5. Sarah,
    You never cease to amaze me. I am so honored you passed this one on to me. For personal reasons I've told you about, it means a lot to me. Renee is such an inspiration to me and she doesn't even know me. I am just speechless!
    Lots of hugs my friend,

  6. Oh I forgot I love the picture Mental Duck to Mental Swan!
    That is inspiring in itself!!

  7. Oh wow!

    What a lovely post and yes, Renee is a beautiful soul who has touched my life too. She is easy to love :)


  8. Okay Sarah you little brat. Now you have made me cry. Not even because of the words or about what you wrote about me.

    But because of your Mental Duck to Mental Swan that is you Sarah.

    You did such a fantastic job I can't tell you how much I love it.

    I think you should if you want make it an award because it is so amazing.

    I came here to see you and I saw that I was already here today in the form of this award. And I am so happy that you got it from Ces. Her and Bella are the ones handing it out, not me. So I am thrilled too.

    But it is the mental swan that I am really in love with because just over a few months I have seen that you are now appreciating yourself and seeing what we all see in you. The sight is endless in your abilities and what you have achieved. I believe you are one of the most loved people around.

    Love Renee and congrats Sarah in more ways than one.

    I love you. xoxoxo

  9. Ah, you so deserve this lovely award!

  10. Mental Swan is nice although being The Duck is good! Why don't we just do this the right way Sarah? You are a Mental Ninja - with art like this who are you kidding? Here's your second award for the day. This is an award that I created and it is not a meme I only give it once a year. I have already passed it out before I met you but since I make the rules, I can do whatever I want right? HIYAH! I give to people whose blogs I love to visit because I think they are mental ninjas. The logo is here:

    and I will update the post so I can add your name to the recipients list on the original post.

    I agree with renee. The Mental Swan would make a nice award. it would be your own original award. You can either make it a meme where people spread it or just choose the recipients yourself.

    I have a confession to make. I love teachers. I think they are so underappreciated.

  11. Congratulations to a lovely, deserving lady.

    Hugs --

  12. Sarah, I am so happy for you! Your sharing of what is in your heart is very touching, and for you to share your emotions around this well-deserved award is so charming and dear. I don't know you well, but what I do know I love!
    May you always receive those "awards" in life that you yearn for!
    xo diantha

  13. Hi Sarah,

    You're so well deserved this award. Congratulations!!!

  14. Oh, Sarah, your words...they are touching and beautiful. I'm so happy to see you with this award, and I completely agree with everything you said about Renee. Her gentle wisdom has helped lift me when I was down, too. She is special, and so are you. Yay for Ces for giving you TWO awards!!! And your mental duck to mental swan? Incredible. Absolutely incredible and amazing!

  15. Good morning Mental Ninja. You will love that award from Ces too. It is so adorable.

    Sarah you are well loved by us all. Can you feel it. I think you can if you take a minute.

    I know that you know of other things in the world besides right here right now.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  16. OMG..I'm in tears and speechless again - OMG! Thank you all so much for your words, I can feel it Renee!!
    Ces I am beyond over the moon...maybe Mars...I should have come here before I put on my mascara!! Wow!!!!
    I will with great honor take that
    2nd award - wowowowoow. Thank you so very much Ces!

  17. See how special you are? You got Renee and Bella here!

  18. I guess I am - WOWOWOW!! You too Ces - I am blessed!!

  19. Congratulations!

    The whole thought of mental duck to mental swan was brilliant enough--but your picture is truly incredible.


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