
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday

Jamie asked us today - What step do you wish to take? Hmmmmm another deep one. I missed last week, honestly nearly killed me. I have come to love this every Wednesday. It was a rough week and I had pushed myself as far as I could. I missed you all. Thank you all for the kind words, advice and support!! We have gotten through the week with some serious calm!!

So.... I wish to take the next step with my artwork. Making a living with art is not always an easy thing and I am a very logical soul when it comes to running the household. I am the primary breadwinner, as many of you know I run an inhome preschool and after care program. I love my kiddos I really do - but the artwork - that is my bliss! So, I have been working to get my work out there. I'm pleased to see things are popping and sales are growing. I would like to cut back to only afternoons next Fall as my youngest goes off to Kindergarten. I feel like the universe is asking me to take a leap of faith - or maybe a baby leap. That the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place as they should and that I should trust. So.. my wish is to confidently "step" out there. Namaste, Sarah


  1. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  2. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
    it was wonderful to read your comment in my blog and i am happy to have found a blog friend to relate to.
    the universe is answering our wishes.your comment about selling online gives me a little confidence to take a step in that direction.
    my best wishes for your success

  3. Talented and Fun Sarah! I love your work...

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intentin wish for her, also!

    Namaste' Dear One!

  4. I hope that you are feeling better. May the pieces of the puzzle come together and it be a magical work of art.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  5. What a wonderful journey it will be!

    As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

  6. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    That is so great, I just started painting myself. I am self-taught and having fun!

  7. Somehow, when we do the things we truly love, the rest seems to fall in place. So go on out there and take that step!

  8. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Step out sister - those big gorgeous red wings will help!

  9. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you (or something even greater!) Here's to the Confidence of your ArtSelf!

  10. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

    I am wishing for the same thing as you Sarah....U have a friend in me anytime for support and encouragement...

    Sonia ;)

  11. I wish you your hearts desire as well.

    In this economy, perhaps you could start in baby steps (like you are) and just hope to 'supplement' your income with your art.

    One thing I noticed when my art became more of a 'job' is that it took some of the joy out of it.
    It's a fine balance.

    Now I'm back to painting for myself and it soothes my soul again. The problem is where to put all those paintings! :)

    Wishing you wings for your dreams.


  12. Good luck, Sarah, with your plans and dreams. Your art is AMAZING, I love it. Got to read some more of your blog - I just started - and find out where it's available.

  13. I think you have a rare talent, originality, and you deserve to do well. Hold on to that dream :)

    Kim x

  14. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    I'm imagining you with those big, bold, beautiful wings as you take this next magnificent step.

    It's wonderful to have you here :)

  15. Wishing you all the best with your artwork and taking the steps needed.

  16. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    In love and light~

  17. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

  18. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    The Universe and moi believe YOU CAN DO IT!


  19. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish also.

    So Mote It Be.
    Love & Light

  20. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    May you step out and meet utter artistic success :)

  21. yay!
    Here's to confident steps.

    As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  22. Oh Honey, don't STEP...JUMP!! You have so much talent. I am very confident that if you take that leap of faith, you will find yourself landing on a nice cushy surface! Trust in yourself, my friend! You inspire me,and I know that you will make this work. What is that old saying, "Do what you love and the money will follow!" Sending good karma your way!

    Am SO happy that the week has been relatively uneventful for you!

  23. Sarah, sometimes it is necessary to take that leap, just remember flight or fall you have flourished by merely trying. Also remember that there are those of us here who will catch you should you fall along the way.
    much love & peace

  24. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

    I have adored your work. It is truly Magickal and I wish nothing but HUGE successes for you!~

  25. As Sarah wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. :)

  26. hallo Sarah, may I ask you one thing...I read those who wish for you as you wish for this part of Wishcast?
    I'm not understanding what this is, but only assuming...(I know, not a wise thing to do).
    I am, like you, in a near similar situation.
    I teach at a private preschool/kindergarten.
    I was the primary K teach up until this year...I'm with the pre-K's now. I enjoy it, however, I think it's time for me to move on...
    My passion is my creative art, and the process of.
    My son will graduate high school this year. I'm now looking at what I shall do for myself. something I've NOT done for near 18 years.
    Being a single Mum these past 11 years I've put the kids first.
    So, the baby steps are my present thought, I've not gone so far as you. I don't have an online shoppe or other venues for sales.
    I can tell you deepest wishes are usually the ones that come to pass.
    I wished for a simple, safe and moderately successful life as a single Mum. I've gotten my wish...
    My wish was for happy, healthy and hopeful children through the process, I've been witness to such a life live for both of them.
    so, if our passions drive us, and they cause no harm to others, my vote is; follow your bliss!
    Much hope, and my wish is for what Sarah wishes for! ;)
    I think I wrote that right?
    Bairbre Aine

  27. I have faith in you-your work touches spaces within that are so amazing....
    As Sarah wishes for herself I wish for her as well.

  28. As Sarah wishes for herself, I wish for her also! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, your artwork is beautiful, I love t! The lighthouse is in Liverpool, England! A city full of beautiful hidden gems! I am from N. Ireland orginally, but i am here for now! Lovely to meet you!

  29. I am wishing the same for you!
    You are great and very talented! :)


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