
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Quilting Bee of Women #4

This beautiful quilt by Judy Vine

Good morning!! I’m so thrilled you are back again this week!! I have racked a lovely piece today, full of water and ripples and smooth round stones that feel cool and lovely in the hand. Christina, bless her has brought a wonderful treat – a bunny shaped carrot cake!! Oooooh my favorite. Someone else has brought a box of See’s truffles – oy diet has just stomped out of the cabin. There is coffee and tea and cream for those who dare. Please pull up a chair, it’s wonderful to see you here!!!

I love the metaphor of dropping a stone a pond and the ripples grow and grow. I was wondering, what stones of help do you throw into the pond and how do they effect others around you? With the state of the economy right now, I think most all of us are struggling and looking for ways to save. I was thinking about what we can do for each other. Who could I help in some small or even a big way? I think sometimes we feel like we are bragging when we share what we do for others. But just for today, don’t be embarrassed – let it fly!! I would like to hear what you do that you think helps others. Why …you ask, am I asking you to tell me this? I’m hoping by us sharing these big or little things, we can all discover ways to help each other. Maybe in ways we never thought of!! Just maybe there is someone here that will see a ripple and reach out to touch it & receive the help they need. It could be as small as a verbal hug. So throw that stone and let’s see who the ripples touch.

Ok, here is the stone I threw. I thought it was a small stone when I threw it. A gal I knew from my last preschool has spent the last several years successfully flipping houses & restoring furniture. Clearly the market has fallen out from underneath her. She came to me through a mutual friend in search of daycare a few days a week. Honestly, I could not afford to offer care for free, which was what would have really helped her at the time. After some thought it occurred to me that although she couldn’t pay me currency, she might be able to offer up something she already had that I really needed, like older furniture, left over building materials – honestly I didn’t know – but I threw the stone and she reached out and touched the ripple.

Something that started as a way to help her, has blessed me in ways I had never imagine or considered. I was hoping to perhaps get a couple of decent pieces of furniture. She has been with me a year now and not only become a close friend but what she has given me in return is priceless. We have bartered a few thousand dollars worth of daycare in return I received among other things a beautiful old farm table restored and now lovingly adored by me. It has been over ten years since I had a “real” piece of nice, wooden furniture. You know, the kind you actually need to wax!! It wasn’t cheap, but it’s mine! She has also brought me several dressers & some wonderful wooden chairs. But, by far the most wonderful gift she gives me… she does my shopping for me! Every week she gets my list and she goes and does my grocery shopping. Without a car this is huge!! She charges me a reasonable hourly rate & I save a huge amount of time & energy. Not only does this help me in huge ways, it makes me feel a bit spoiled!!! Loove that! What started out as an effort to help her, turned into a huge blessing for me too. Yup, still feel like I’m bragging, but there it is.

So…. here is my question to you….. what do you or have you offered to someone who is in need. Small or big – tell us about the stone you threw and who reached out and touched the ripple.

Ok.. while you pick which stone to share, large or small…, I am gonna go steal a piece of that amazing carrot cake and maybe a truffle or two – yikes!! My diet is dying a slow death. Hurry before I eat the whole cake!! Thanks for joining me again today!! Blessings, Sarah


  1. Sarah,
    This is just beautiful. I'll have to think about my skipping stones. I do save things for my teacher friend. She teaches art and gets all my empty paper/toilet rolls. Whatever I have that I can't use ... scraps of yarn. Although, I've been holding on to those scraps to see what I can do with them! We help the ladies across the street ... when we grocery shop, we check with them to see if they need anything. Just look in on them. We are getting older, but they are older than us!


  2. Oh these are wonderful hon!! Perfectly beautiful stones hon!!! Thank you for sharing!!
    Namaste Snap!

  3. Sarah I always feel that I must have done something in a previous life that has given me good karma. Somehow even through this tough financial time for my husband and I we are somehow always given what we need whether it was baby clothes, money or even emotional support. Just when it seems our well is about to run dry we receive what we need to keep going and then some. I'm not sure what stones I've skimmed exactly but I like to believe I must be doing something right to receive such continuous blessings! :)

  4. Sarah, I had a mixed emotion day. Toward the end it was tough. Like I swallowed a stone. Reading this post was a much needed blessing. I have a few dear friends and we look out for each other. Meals, babysitting, unused furniture,household goods,books, clothing. We give to each other and pass it on.Be it to other friends or to donating to shelters/church thrift stores,schools etc.
    I envy you the See's truffles. I have never tried See's and I have heard that they are the best. Gain a pound for me and say that it was worth it.

  5. Beautiful both of you!
    Mama - it's wonderful to hear you are recieveing what you need!! I did too when Nonni was born - I have no question giving comes back to you!
    It's wonderful Lissa to have people to swap stones with!! I am blessed that way too!!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  6. Well, recently my friend and dog-sitter lost her "real" job. Then she found out her own beloved dog had glaucoma and needed an expensive operation to remove his eye. That was traumatic enough, but she didn't know how she was going to afford the surgery. So I contacted members of our book club and we all got enough money together quickly to pay half the cost. I am happy to report that her big sweet dog is doing great now!!

    Edward and I hope you've enjoyed a very Happy Easter with many chocolate bunnies!!

  7. Oh I love this!!! Wonderful stone!! I love how the right needs are sent to the right people!!
    I hope Edward recieved some fun Easter treats and lots of chocolates for you!!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  8. Sarah,
    That was beautiful, and I love that quilt up there too!
    I always try to help who ever needs it when they need it.
    I don't have much in the way of money, but I do have a big heart and helping hands :)
    Bless you,

  9. Cat somehow this does not suprise me about you!!! Thnk you for throwing a stone hon, Sarah

  10. Sarah I have to say I love these quilting bee posts. You always leave me thinking about how I can reach out.

    Now if only I would just act.

    I'm sorry there was lots of hassel this week. Shit.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. Sarah,

    You're more than welcome to use a bookmark you've already made. However, I just ask you to make a new post and link my blog. That way I'll get the word out more. U'm trying to spread the wealth as much as I can!


  12. Sarah,

    Thank you so much for this post. Sometimes we need a little reminder to step outside ourselves. I try to do what I can for others but feel I need and want to do more. I'm not always able to help financially, but can pass on my son's old clothes, give away books, food and other items, but most of all, I try to be there and truly present when someone needs a shoulder or an ear, when they need to talk and have someone listen without judgment. As I said though, I do want to do more. I'll be looking for opportunities this week to follow your beautiful example.

    Thank you also for your comment to my Monday post at A Touch of Inspiration. As you say, it is not easy being a parent some times, especially in special situations, but we are blessed to have the opportunity and privilege. Please know that I am here if you'd like to talk. :)

    Many blessings,

  13. Hey, Sarah! Happy Easter!! What am I doing to reach out? I guess it's my book and blog. I want to reach out to women about thinking about their health in the long term and my book was published for that reason. It's my personal ministry and now, since you encouraged me to blog (thank you) I have another way to communicate all kinds of things that might help and in real time which is cool.

  14. One other thing, Sarah. I rescued a stuffed bunny from a busy road the other day on my way home from work. I even turned my car around to go back and get it!! He's so cute and other than the eyes being gone, he cleaned up real well. Will get him new eyes. Does that count? : )

  15. Hi Sarah,
    Love the idea of the ripples, a great metaphor... Well, as a writing teacher, I have students who are dealing with these hard times and rather than let them quit, I have been carrying a couple of them for the past year as they try to get back on their feet. But seriously, I get back all that and more from their friendship and presence in my life. I really believe that if you give something away, it comes back to you many times over. Besides, if I was truly in teaching for the money, I'd make a lot more!! Love, your sis, Barbara

  16. You're a gift, Sarah. Thanks for sharing yourself here. All my stones seem to be getting tossed at extended family as of late, with the exception of a big pile to the Goodwill last week and trying to support local business as much as I can. I enjoy going to the very local farmer's market where there is everything from fresh shrimp a young couple has netted the day before to the potter who made my teacup. A win win for sure. I LOVED your story of daycare for furniture and delivered groceries. Good life stuff! Love these exchanges.
    Thanks for the wisdom, Sarah.

  17. Hey Sarah! Thank you so much for the comments on my Mom blog. I was actually thinking of you and Hanna as I was writing it. There is hope - at one point in my life, I truly believed that I would leave my family forever. Now, I am grateful that I didn't and that they stood by me. It's not an easy process for anyone involved, but perseverance does pay off.
    Love to you

  18. Wow everyone - thank you for sharing the stones you throw!!! I love the question - does it count? Yes that is the beauty of it - they all count.
    I am doubly blessed today to see BOTH of my lovely sisters popped in - thank you - I'm so thrilled to see you both here! Both wonderful stones you threw!!

  19. Thanks Sarah for stopping by my blog. Yes, asthma is sooo scary. I hate it. I loved your stone story. Thanks for sharing it. You have me thinking.


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!