
Friday, April 3, 2009


In yoga, Namaste is said to mean "The light within me honors the light within you," as spoken by both the yoga instructor and yoga students.

Here is my favorite coffee cup. I paid way too much for it, but had to have it. I love what this means & the reminder to honor not only the light in others but the light in myself. I tend to forget that part. Kinda like you have to love yourself before you can love others. So, as the weekend begins....Namaste to you, thank you all for honoring the light within me - I bow and honor the light within you.


  1. So beautiful Sarah. :)

  2. It's beautiful, Sarah. I can see why you had to have it.
    Namaste, my friend. :-)

  3. Namaste, Sarah! Have a grand weekend!
    love and light,
    Jane and Gilly

  4. Namaste . . . I honor the light within you!


  5. Namaste lovely Sarah!

  6. Beautiful cup! Translated literally it means "The spirit within me honors the spirit within you". A beautiful reminder that we all have the spirit or light within us all.

  7. That is a wonderful mug! I would love to own one of those too :)

  8. What a lovely word Sarah!!!
    Had to come visit to thank you for asking about my mom, it was very sweet of you to be concerned. She is home and I will be going to see her Sun for her bday!

  9. How beautiful, Namaste Sarah.Lindax

  10. and I, you.

    I've bought a few namaste tiles for friends and one for myself. I think I'll look for a mug like this now!

    I have to say that reading this "zen" piece and listening to the music from The Man From Uncle was a trip!!

  11. LOL - I do have some eclectic music on my playlist! The mug was made by.....Wardell Pottery.

  12. One of my favorite words ... but you knew that! I bow to you, my dear.

  13. Sarah,
    I love this post and now know the wonderful word "namaste" and what it means. Fantastic!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I haven't had much time to blog for a while. But soon!

    My husband is doing much better! He will be home from the hospital in a day or two. He was given too many blood thinners following his open heart surgery and had to be readmitted but is now healing and feeling much better. There are a few more tests to do. Thanks so much for your support!

  14. Namaste' Sarah~


    PS that was the first time I have seen Crossbill's, such a wonderful splash of color in my wintery looking world. But what a gorgeous day today is... time to get outside!

  15. Lovely post & sentiment. Thank you from a fellow Libra born and raised in Pocatello, Idaho. Enjoyed my visit to your blog.

  16. Namaste Sarah!! I love that word. I painted it on a big rock in our yard.


Thank you for stopping by - please pull up a chair and join me!!