
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Whoo hoo - surprises!!!

I won something, I won something!!!! From Magical Enchantments ! A wonderful bag filled with beautiful morning glory seeds!!! I adore them and they are my son's favorite flower!!! To top it all off - she pimped my Etsy shop too!!! Thank you so very much hon - I'm doubly blessed!!!!

Gail has given me a sweet new award!! Thank you so much hon - I am honored. Not only is Gail a wonderful friend - I adore her art and am touched that she chose mine!!! Thank you hon.
Here are the rules:-

List 7 things your love.-

Put a link to the one who picked you.-

Choose others to pass the award to.- Notify them of the award.

Seven more things I love..
1. Lattes - looove them - can't afford them often - so they are a treat.
2. me crazy- but after 14 years in the desert, I can't seem to get enough.
3. The smell of a saddle shop.
4. A really good book - I love to read!
5. Good cedar incense - loove it - smells like a wood fire
6. The smell of Jasmine
7. A good deep meditation.

I will send this one off to...

I was also given another sweet award from Boyle Jewelry !! Thank you hon. I love her blog and her jewelry is to die for!! Stunning vintage pieces!!! Looove them! Thank you so very much hon!!!!


  1. CONGRAT!!!! On....EVERYTHING!!! Well deserved, I say!
    Big hugs,

  2. Congrats!

    After 14 years in the desert I would be loving rain too!

  3. I left you a little award for leaving such kind commentsw on my blog. Thanks so much!!!


  4. Thanks for your nice comments on my grouchy, whingeing post! I promise not to moan any more!
    I too love your list - except for meditation, something I would love to learn to do properly, but haven't got around to yet.

  5. Sarah thank you lol! How sweet! did you link the award back to me? I don't know how you did that so I can post and pick folks? Help!

  6. Congrats on your awards! I love the smell of incense but my husband hates it. It rained all day yesterday, I shall send some your way:)

  7. Thank you sooo much for giving me the award. You're such a sweety!

    Cedar would be one of my favorites too...and Dragon's Blood...that would be my all time fave!

    I too would like to know how to get the award on my page and pass it on like Whimsyfolkartist. Please share you knowledge!

    Warm and Bright Blessings to you and yours!


  8. HI! Please email me so I can help you with the award!


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