
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meditation for a bit.....

I have had little time in the last week to post here,or on other's blogs. Being here is a joy to me and a huge comfort. I've been dealing with my daughter Hanna, getting her some much needed help. It has been a heartbreaking and exhausting process. I feel blessed that we have found a solution for her that will help everyone, most especially her. So.... being on the other side of all the drama for the moment, I've needed a couple of days to breathe and think through it all & meditate a bit. Hope everyone's week is a good one!!! Blessings, Sarah


  1. Breathe deeply and mediatate. There is nothing more stressful than family problems. Take care of yourself!

  2. Oh, so sorry to hear that you are having troubles! Yes, do as Gail said and BREATHE deeply and try to relax; take care of yourself too!
    Hugs and blessings to you!!

  3. Blessings to you dear Sarah and of course to Hanna. She will find her way, I just know she will. But the journey may be painful for both of you. Love her. Love you! Wish I could do more to help, but know that I am here when you need me.
    Biggest hugs,

  4. Thank you Sara for your understanding comment on my post and painting "Mother Wisdom". I can see you "get it" and are going through it now too! It's always good to remember the scripture "this too shall pass" in time. We must hold on with courage, faith and love.
    Blessings on you and Hanna!!
    xo Abigail

  5. You take all the time you and Hanna need Sarah. I know I will be waiting for you.

    Love Renee

  6. Thank you all - you have touched my heart today!! Hugs, Sarah

  7. I'm sending good thoughts to you!

  8. Tell Hanna her aunt said, "I better not have to come out there!" LOL I'm glad you have found a source of help, Sarah. They wouldn't drive us so crazy if we didn't love them so much. Here's a big, squeezie HUG!

  9. Tend to yourself and relax, let the space be. I wish you and your family peace... love and hugs to you all.

  10. family first always
    but you know that xx


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