
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Circling My Head

I was toodling around the blogsite - nappers all asleep... I came across this blog, . I usually check out the more recent enteries to a blog I am new to, something about Renee's blog drew me in. I found myself looking for her first posts and working my way forward to present. I have "pimped" her blog here - because it touched me so deeply. Her honesty about her cancer is amazing. She made me laugh and cry & squirm in my seat. I want to thank her for reminding me how precious "normal" is & how very blessed I am!! I for one will be following her blog and pulling for her every day!! Thank you Renee for touching my heart!!!


  1. Sarah:

    Thank you for pimping me (har har).

    Seriously though, this is so nice of you and so heartfelt and appreciated by me.

    I felt happy that you are rooting for me, isn't that funny.

    I see you have five children (lucky duck).

    Love Renee

  2. Forgot to tell you I love your banner.



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