
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Joanna's Summer Seven...whoot!!!!

So Joanna..whom I adore..over at the Fifty doing this fun little meme! The Summer Seven..a list of fun stuff we actually did this opposed to those we planned! I did alot of that this summer...not what I planned and a whole lot of things I totally enjoyed but didn't expect! Great idea Joanna!!! So here Summer Seven!

1.Well..the beginning of May Jim started a new job..out of state..away from us..from me. So basically it was a huge transition for everyone. We miss him and when he is home it is not nearly long enough. Over the summer we seem to have worked out the kinks..things are better. Which I feel blessed about. I also feel blessed that thanks to Jim..we are now ahead of our bills instead of behind them!!! I also managed to walk over 150 miles, cause he has the truck!!

2. Well the weather here was COLD! Cool and rainy and cold and colder!! Until the beginning of August the weather hovered around 65 or so! So we didn't swim in the lake much and my veggies were not really happy with me..but the flowers and herbs..heavenly happy! As for me, the cold weather girl...heaven too!!! I am happy to say that after a couple of very warm weeks..we are back to lovely cool 70 degrees!! Whoot! Fall is a coming!

3. Well..I did it..I went back to school! I am, if you didn't already hear..a Jr. at the University of Idaho! I am a Vandal...whooot!!!!! I am pulling a full load of classes! Which scared the crud out of me..but I have it pegged now and am moving right along! I am thrilled, excited, stoked..well you get the idea!! I am finishing my degree in Child Development and Family Services. This took a huge amount of time to put together..transcripts and appointment etc etc etc...but I did it and I am a bit proud of me!

4. Thanks to Joanna and a wonderful contest she offered..and WHOOOOOOHOO I won! Added to a treat that Fox had won for good grades at school...we had enough movie gift certificate bucks to go to the movies! Fox, Mhanon and I!! With treats and pop and rocked!!
I know that does not seem like such a big deal! But we had not been to a real live movie in over ten years! I'm serious! We just could not afford it! We saw the last Harry Potter movie! It rocked too!! We had such fun! Thank you again Joanna!!

5. Well..we can't forget the new kitten! Who is now a half grown cat and has happily fit right into our home! Even he and Lucy Lu have become buddies and I love that. Sir William has turned into a wonderful addition to out home and I love the little guy! If you missed the post..the kids saved their money and I added some artwork sale to the pot to save for him!

6.. Unlike years past, I planned to hit the farmers market several times..and well..didn't, this year we have! We have been at least 7 or 8 times this summer and I have so loved it. The kids have enjoyed it too! We also managed to hit the fair and enjoy the animals and rides. Despite it being one of the few VERY hot days of the summer..we had a blast.

7. Ok..I did get myself one fun treat this summer. Something I have wanted for a while. A bitsy Ipod Shuffle. Oh I love it...LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE it. I know it is pink..and I am not really a pink girl..but spoke to me! Your gonna laugh..but I even got pretty pink headphones. Seriously the best part of having an ipod of any kind (am guessing here) is playing on iTunes! I can add, subtract, buy, download my own Cd's! OMG I am loving freaking much fun! I have been careful to not buy too many it is tempting and dangerous at best! But there are a few soundtracks that I have only found there! Like yesterday..I found the main theme for last years season of Dr. Who. I know I am a total geek! But it seriously made me smile. You know silly smile!

Ok all there is my unexpected summer seven! What a great idea Joanna! If you would like to join in..please pop on by Joanna's blog!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Day at the Fair

We spent Friday..all day at the fair. Myself, my friend Abby, Fox, Mhanon and a couple daycare kiddos! We had such fun.
Miss Abby :)

We had to look at all the critters of course!!
Isn't he beautiful..I do so love the horses..any size at all!!

I loved this shot..even though he had just had a bucket of feed and his nose was all cute!!

Mhanon tried her hand at milking...giggle. And might notice her hair is much shorter..she donated it to Locks for Love. So proud of that girl!!

She also tried her had at spinning..a child after her Mama's heart!!

Fox had to try his hand at shooting..of course! He did amazingly well!! OMG he looks like a man all the sudden...geesh when did that happen????

Then..what is the fair without a few rides?? Can't you just hear the squeals of delight??

This was one of my favorite shots of the day..please click on it and take a closer look. The girls were having soooooo much fun! I love that!

So if ya have not been to your local fair...head on out and enjoy..cause it is the highlight of our summer!! Back to school in a week..and I think maybe..just maybe I am ready..maybe!
Hugs all, Sarah

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


OMG, OMGOB...I am so busy chasing my tail..I had to stop for a minute and just say howdy and breath!!

Started classes Monday..all online and it has taken all this time plus part of last week to freaking figure out what to do. You guys know me..I am pretty good with the computer stuff. The lack of order in some of my classes is kinda shocking really! Seriously I have spent more time trying to figure out what is due this week than actually doing anything. I will figure it all out and get my ducks all in a row. The problem right now is..that there are about 50 of them and they don't feel much like being wrangled.
Am thinkin' I am needing a big one of these!!

Anywhoo...wanted to pop on in for a second and say hello! I will be back when I get these pesky ducks wrangled!! Wish me luck....yeeee haw....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday My Town Shootout...Quotes...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha

Our challange this week was to match shots to quotes we love. K this was too much fun!! Had to dip into archives a bit..but I loved this one.

I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love. James Herriot

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. Josh Billings

A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere. Joyce A. Myers

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wonderful Music and New Work...

You might have noticed the new music on my blog..over there on the right. It was my pleasure to discover that a friend of mine from TN plays the most beautiful music. Acoustic guitar at its finest. I knew Gene years ago..and his parents knew mine..we actually bought their old farm. So I thought you all might enjoy a listen! If you like what you thinking you will, click here and head on over to his website. He is offering a full CD there for a wonderful price!! Thank you Gene for sharing this with me and letting me share it with folks here! Give your Dad a hug for me!!

I created this ACEO as a treat for a buyer...she will know who she is:) I do love to add treats to packages for customers. Nothing better than a surprise in the mail!! Here is a bitsy dragon in enchanted woods.

What do ya think..should I make a few more of these little woodland pics??

Hugs all, Sarah

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Musing ... going to ground.....

I was recently told that I tend to disappear when things get rough in my life. Uhmmm... yeah I do. I guess I knew this..the whys and where fores not so much..but I knew. Sometimes when life gets a bit crazy and overwhelming I do hole up and hide. I guess I had not realized that others noticed too. Hmmmmm. We all have our coping mechanisms..things we tend to do when we have a rough day, month or God forbid a year! I guess the question is, do we realize we are doing them and are they the best option?

This dear friend of mine let me know that I would write or call after the fact..after the crisis had finished and I was upright again. But in the middle of being run over by a train...I put my big girl panties on and dealt alone...ALONE! Well..somewhat..cause there are a couple folks that I vent to..which is good. But generally those are folks who I talk to via email or the phone. Not people whom I call and say.."can you come by and help me with this". Or..."I am so overwhelmed can you watch my kids for an hour while I take a walk?" Now keep in mind there are a couple dear folks I can call and do just why don't I you ask?

Well here it is in a nutshell. Cause I hate to ask for help. I can do it all myself, I can be the strong one..blah blah blah. Seriously it does not help and frankly it is a little arrogant to think that I can do all and be all and be a functional person, partner, parent and friend. Cause sometimes you just need a break to be take care of you and breath!!

Now that Jim is working out of state full time..home now and again for a week. I am on 100% of the time. When he is home he is taking a break..I am taking care of him too. Don't get me wrong I am happy he is here as much as he can be. I just don't think I realized how little break I was getting. Add to that three and a half months..only about four weeks of it with a car. Uhmmmm....hello Sarah!!!

So what clued me in that I was a bit..lets say..stressed out. My friend of course, but there are always clues that we have gone to ground. I watch movies! I watch lots of movies...tear jerkers, emotion evoking stories, stories I can escape into. Books, piles of them litter the table next to my bed. I fly through them, seeking escape in to someone else's life for a little bit. Of course I get cranky and no fun what so ever to be around. I drink too much caffeine cause I am burned out and tired..which only creates other issue. You get the picture..ackkkkkk.

Now, not to say that a little of this is not a good thing. The movies and reading. Ya just have to take a close look at it and gage when your Muse is speaking to you.

"Uhmmmm, hello are in need of a wake up call..this is it....WAKE UP! You have gone to ground. Your big girl panties are pulled up, you are taking care of everyone but yourself. This is not helping anyone, least of all you. Stop, breath, take a bit of time for you, breath, let go of it all for a bit, breath, smile, find a little joy and breath. Just be for a little while!"

Yes, I see it now, I will try to breath today. Deep and cleansing and do something for me that brings a little joy to my soul. Thank you!

Do you find yourself going to ground? Hiding away from it all, escaping. Are you ignoring the elephant in the room. That you are not taking care of you? Is your Muse yelling at you to listen and you are happily turning on a movie..really loud. I would love it if you shared your thoughts with us!!

Thank you for pulling up a chair with me today. Ya know I love it when you pop in and say howdy. There are cupcakes...delicious flavors with butter cream frosting. You know those little bitty ones. Yummmmm! And of course Kona coffee with all the fixin's and today, peach iced tea with lime and fresh mint! Take care of you today all!!

Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friday My town Shoot out... Rust...

This weeks subject is are a couple ore carts. We found them sitting outside an old mine in the Silver Valley. Believe it or not these for about $1500.00 for folks yards. People put flowers in them!!

One fun jobs I learned over the years..working in interesting places a Barrista. I adore coffee..making one of those foamliscious lattes is so fun! This is one of the large professional machines!

What do you suppose this is? Take a little guess..

One of my favorite shots..Hearts at Play. The Shadow makes me smile:)

I had to get at least one critter shot in there...isn't he purty?

Have a wonderful weekend all, Sarah

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Of Princes and Demons...and bitsy acorns..

Clearly the kitten has decided that he is royalty here..he resides in not just one castle but two. Because of the circle on his chest..that truly looks like a feather... this little kit is now..Prince William of Featherheart. Our last Guinea pig was Sir Hamlet, Guine of Pig. What can I say?

So Fox...12 has been working on a role playing game for over a year now. It is extensive, involved and frankly..I am a bit blown away by it! Not to mention really proud of him. He has involved his friends, creating characters and stories! Seriously this kid is gonna do something amazing! So when he came to me and asked if I could do an artists trading card for him...or ten LOL. What could I say but You Bettcha! So here is the first one..a demon.

He gave me an idea of what he wanted..and I went with here is our first trading card..needs a background and a bit of tweaking..but what do ya think?? And you thought I couldn't do dark. I can if I try reeeeeealy hard.

Here are a few little acorns. This fun little Fall ACEO is available in my shop.. click here!
Have a great Wednesday..I think I said that yesterday..been a week LOL Geesh!
Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August Break Day # 10..If you give a kid a Katana..

Fox and his buddies discovered my bundle of plastic fence slats the other day. Folded in half and taped with electrical tape..they make a wicked fun Katana. Wonderful for whacking at each other with..and not as painful as sticks. So when big sister Kate came by..a child after my own heart. Picking up one of these weapons and going at it with her younger brother was too much fun to resist. Did I say the apple does not fall far from the tree with these two?

Of course the younger kids had to jump in and get a swing in too. Don't worry Kate is amazing with the kids..she took care that the little guys were safe and unwhacked. Fox..well not so much. Kate and Fox had a few minor war wounds..but finished with huge smiles on faces and alot of belly laughs.

Of course when you give a kid a Katana (even a grown kid), they are gonna want a Nerf gun......

Happy Wednesday all, Sarah

Monday, August 8, 2011

August Break Day 8 - Ocean Garden...

Please click on the picture for a larger view:)

Here is a new Ocean Garden...a larger piece.. this one is a gift for someone dear to my heart. Hugs all Happy Monday, Sarah

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August Break Day 6

Was messing around with a photo of my eye...I do so love playing with photos..feeling a little cosmic today. Happy Saturday all, Sarah

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday My Town Shoot Out - Shooters Choice..WHOOT!

You all who know me know which shootout subject I chose...macros of course..or Depth of Field..which I combined...sorta..cause I love them. So here are a few of my favorite macros..

My Om rock. Fox found this for me..I love this favorite rock treasure!

Of course my kitten nose..I kinda loved that one.

I think one of my all time favorite macros/depth of field shots.

Of course and eye...I love doing macro shots of eyes. This one is mine...with a little bit of playin' with. Mine are not quite that blue!

If you would like to visit more Friday Shootouts..please click here and follow the links...or join the fun and add your own!
Namaste, Sarah