
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wishcast Wednesday....

Our dear Jamie asked us today... What do you wish to accomplish? How amazing that Jamie always knows just what to ask..I swear she does! In the next couple of weeks I am going to be stepping out in to new territory..I am going to take a leap of faith. My muse is demanding that I do this..keeping me awake in the middle of the night with my mind rolling with ideas.

So I am Letting Fly with this new project..direction...My Quilting Bee has morphed into something new..something I am very excited about. I am opening a new place.. a place for creating and learning and joining together. I am going to Let Fly with some online classes. Time Management for the Creative Soul is up first and then.. a couple more that I am so thrilled to offer up about life and loss and moving on and on about finding your True North path. I am going to be joined by someone very dear to me..who will offer up her own wonderful talent here soon also... more on that that to come.

So I wish to accomplish the building of this new place for my Quilting Bee to live. A new hive for my friend Bees & new Bees to meet and greet and built new connections and learn new things. I wish to accomplish what my muse has been driving me to do... a new home for my Bee!! What do you wish today? Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Love This......

I love this is a Nonni original..created just for me... her Mama!! I love this...I really do!! I didn't teach her this..this is all her! She recently discovered my very fine pen and ink markers..she likes them. A lot!!

It has always been my practice to have lots of art supplies available not only to my own children but those who are in my care during the week. Pens, crayons, paper, paint, clay, beads you name it, it is there to Let Fly with! I love that. Fox has been blowing though notebooks of paper since he was two and continues to create new games and comics..(will share some of that soon- I love his Army Bug!) But this piece just kinda stopped me in my sweetie...just wow!

So I thought I would brag on my own kiddos today and just smile the wonder of what she created...just for me, her Mama!! Did I say that I just loved it?
Happy Tuesday all! Namaste, Sarah

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award

I have not given this out for a while and as today would have been Renee's birthday..I thought it would be a good day to offer this up again. I miss her dearly but know she would rather we toast her with a shot of Bailey's than be sad.

This award has been in the past and is again dedicated to Renee as she was the inspiration for it. I repeated 2nd grade and was thereafter labeled as the slow one in the family. Despite graduating with honors in high school and being on the deans list in college..I was still the slow one. I was in my 40s before I realized I was not so slow and well, pretty smart after all. During a discussion one day with Renee about how this had kept me from doing so many things in my life she said to me...
"Sarah, you have gone from Mental Duck to Mental Swan."

I can only say that this had a profound effect on me..her words! So this award is dedicated to all of those who are just finding their beautiful big swan wings and those who encourage others to find and spread them. Thank you Renee for helping me find mine!!

This award is not one to be passed is a gift from me to you and I hope you will honor me by taking it! I have been watching you amazing women support up each other and this is my small way of saying thank you! Here is to Renee..Cheers hon!!

The Mental Duck to Mental Swan Award is given to two amazing groups of bloggers;

1. To Bloggers who encourage and nurture others bloggers to explore and grow in their creative, spiritual or mental lives.
2. To Bloggers who are blooming and growing creatively, spiritually or mentally in their lives & sharing it on their blogs .

In no particular order...

Liz of The Fragrant Muse- We must have been sisters in another life...amazing and supportive and spreading her beautiful wings wide with her new training!

Becca of Magikal Seasons. Becca is one of the most delightful women I know.. supportive and funny I have watched her bloom this year!! Her artwork just makes me smile!!

Brenda of Wicked Wool Gathering - Brenda is another dear friend that I have watched bloom over the last year. Another wonderful artist whom I adore! Sweet and caring she never fails to send hugs just when you need them!

Pam of Yoborobo..Delightful and funny and very talented. I do love her little dolls! She is always there to lend and ear or a hug & I adore her too!!

Suzie of Cat in the Moon - One of the most supportive gals I know..I am blessed to have met her!! Creative and funny and a heart as big as Texas!! She has been my shoulder many times..thank you hon! Yup adore her too!

Karen D of Journey to Spirit through Art and Creativity Wonderful ...never fails to amaze me with her depth! Sweet and amazingly supportive. I always smile when I see she has popped by to say hi! A dear friend and creative powerhouse!!

Faerwillow of Serendipity Amazing wordsmith..this girl just glows with a rare light! I am blessed to say she is a friend! I have also been blessed with her sweet caring and hugs when I have needed them! She is just something something!!

Technobabe Always there to support me and so many others..always just the right words to sooth the soul..the girl has a gift! I am blessed to know her too!! Yup adore her!!

Debra of She who Seeks - Another one who makes me smile whenever I visit her blog..sassy and wonderful and always tells it how it is! Delightful, supportive and creative!! Another amazing force!!

Diva Kreszl of Diva's Musings She never fails to be there for me when I need her with supportive words and hugs..amazing..she is! A truly beautiful soul and amazing creative force!!

Stregata of Put a Little Magic in Your Life - Her jewelry to die for..but her caring heart is amazing! Another huge support to me and so many others...Yeah... I adore her too!!

Joanna - of...The Fifty Factor I adore her..I do..she is such a dear friend! I love the fact that she has my Fall artwork in her house! She is a supportive and loving and another woman I am blessed to know!! Am sending chocolate!!!

Tammie of Spirit Helpers One of the most talented photographers & poets I know...amazing wonderful and so sweet!! I am blessed to not only know her but to call her friend and own a few precious pieces of her work!!

The Strawberry Mallard Another beautiful soul and friend!! Artistic and creative..I love her work too! I have only of late gotten to know the wonderful gal!! How blessed am I?

So there are only a few of the amazing women I know here!! Adore each and every one!! More to come soon. Thank you every one of you for the blessings you give me everyday when you visit me here or email me! You have all touched my heart and I am so very thankful for that!
Hugs and love, Sarah

Friday, March 26, 2010


So day two of vacation and I am happy to say all are on the mend and I am trying to decompress. Trying to get my shoulders to detach from my ears! See here is the thing ...I want to feel relaxed...and that is stressing me out! silly is that? So..I will be working today(see still in working mode) on just doing whatever.

But to just wander through the day as I please is so unfamiliar to me of late..I need a little practice.

I may watch this again..I confess..I love these movies. I may even get the books to read! Whoot!

While I am taking my sweet time walking through the library..all by myself..alone.. sans the quiet..did I say alone? I think I will look for this book!

I hope you all have a peacefully decompressed weekend! Hugs and Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hanging head....

I have been given several awards of late...I have gathered them up and been so touched that you have thought of me. I know it is silly to get all excited when your name pops up on someones blog for an award..but well it is wicked fun and makes my heart sing that you think of me! hanging my head in shame..I have not posted them as I planned...I usually write them down and make sure I post them. I have not in all the craziness of the last couple of months..I have not. So please forgive me...I want to say thank you and will post my Seven things..or was it ten..will stick with seven..ackkkk! So here is to all of you that have graciously offered me these sweet treats for my heart...I did not ignore them and I loved each one! I promise to do better!!

So I thought I would make this fun.... so here goes...
1. I adore a man in a kilt..yup I do! Jim looks amazing in a kilt..but can't show you a pic sadly...but sigh..yeah yummy!

2. My heart be still..look at this man in a kilt...sigh! I do adore Gerard Butler!

And this man...Ray Stevenson...gulp!

Or this man...yes I will watch anything with Oliver Platt..I do love Oliver Platt!

Oh and Alan is a Brit! Brilliant!

3. There is just something about a strong pair of male hands!

4. Dressing fun is that...looove it!

5.Oh and a good gypsy stunning!

6. Oh and look at this sweet pooch! What a wonderful place to find a rainbow! I love Lucy Lu!

7. And Tink ...oh I love this kit!!

8.Ok there are eight...I do love the meaning behind this word..Namaste!

So thank you all so much for gracing me with awards..I will treat them with more care in the future. Namaste, Sarah

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wishcast Wednesday

Our dear Jamie has asked us this morning..."What do you wish to take a break from?". Well I read this last night..I love it when she posts them early..lets me contemplate them a bit. Many of you know the last month has been stress filled for me. Not all of it bad we are closing on our sweet cottage in the next week or so..I am thrilled..over the moon.
Commission pieces have been requested and I am working on a new idea that has me not only a bit scared but really thrilled to Let Fly in the coming weeks. We lost Sweet Renee and that took some working through as I love her so. We have also been sick..(small wonder there) among other things I am dealing with. So well... a tough month.

So of course my first thought was...I wannnnnna run awayyyyyy! To some far away place all alone with nothing to do but sit and watch the clouds roll by. I thought about it..reality sunk in and here is the deal. I am the one in charge, I am the breadwinner, bill payer, Mom, Wife, child care taker, shopper, nurse, chauffeur, cook, accountant, artist, photographer, etc. etc.etc.etc....well you get it. Basically it is all on me every day. I am tired. But in truth what is really tired is my spirit. Why? Because in taking care of everything else...I have neglected my spirit..I have wandered away from my meditations and daily practice that is the core of me being centered. That balance that reminds me daily that all I do is a joy and to be present in it. I forget to be present and calm and not worry about what I know will take care of itself and all will be way or another. I know this..but when I am not caring for this part of all goes as I say doodleywonkers.

So I wish to take a break during my vacation for the next 11 days and reestablish my spiritual practices. To slow down for a bit and just let things be...I wish to be ok with this for I can be refreshed on the other end.
Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some News, Some Artwork, Some Changes....

So we are all still sick..but kinda on the mend..I think! At least I hope we will by Thursday when our Spring Break vacation starts. Thank you for all of your well made me feel better!! I just still kinda feel like that...ackkkkk!

I have not been posting a lot for the last few weeks and I thought I would share with you why. One reason of course was Renee's passing. It shook did..I am settled with it now although I miss her dearly like so many of us do! She was a force of passion and love that one!!

Another reason was this beautiful front door. This door that I love and yearned to make mine! Well...I am thrilled and excited and happy dancing to tell you..that on or about April 6th it will be mine!!! Whoo hooo hoooooooooooooo.. all ours!! Am Dancin' even though I am sick! So alot of time has been spent figuring all of this out...the money an papers and well stuff!! Am over the moon!! I am!! Can ya feel it from there??

I have managed to get a few commission pieces done..will share them later and a few bitsy dragons too..he is only 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" and I am very fond of him. I will be adding him for sale along with my Bonsai Dragon Family on my selling blog.

There are some changes coming too. I have also had an idea brewing in my head and muse is sitting at my side encouraging to Let Fly with it already even though I am a bit scared. It has been taking so much of my mental time up..that I have had a hard time focusing on other insistent is my muse! She is a slave driver that one!! Renee is sitting right there with her insisting that I get on with it already.

I have not done a Quilting Bee for a bit. It was time for it to morph in to something else.. so in the next couple of weeks I will be adding something new. I hope you will find it interesting and maybe join me on this new adventure. I hope what I have to offer will feed not only my soul but yours too. I will share more on this very soon! So this swan is stretching her wings again and going to brave and Let Fly.

I will also be offering up a few Mental Duck to Mental Swan awards this week in honor of Renee who inspired it and me! You all inspire me daily! I love coming here every day and seeing what you are all doing and thinking. You bless me when you come and visit me. So thank you for not forgetting me while I have been dealing with everything! Hugs and love, Sarah

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I is sick....

Yeah..I am a bug or the flu or strep or something yucky. So...I just sat around and watched Harry Potter all day and felt like crud. Hoping everyone elses Sunday was healthier! Happy Monday all!! Hugs, Sarah

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Spring and Some New Artwork!

Happy first day of Spring all!! I hope it is sunny and balmy where you are! Warm and lovely here!

I guess I was in a dragony type mood this week. So here is a sweet dragon family sitting in their bonsai tree. You can click on the picture for a closer view!

I was also feeling a bit Halloweeny so here is a witch and her young dragon. Well ok so a bit fantasy too.

Here is to a wonderful Spring for each and every one of you all!!
Hugs and love, Sarah

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Saint Patrick's Day and a Wishcast...

On Sunday the kids and I went out together to catch some pictures of these clouds. They called me, "Come out and play Sarah." So we did..on the way we saw this handsome fellow...

And then a few pipers and drummers in still my heart! I do love a bagpipe!

This pair just made me smile..look at these two Scots!!

Of course in any good parade there are horses...with green hooves!!

With horses come the pooper scoopers...but oh, look at that darling face!

And what made my sweet little Nonni smile like this?

Well these darling group of dancers of course.

Beautiful, lovely..oh my...

Look at those flying feet..again be still my heart!! Much more fun than any old bank of clouds! Happy Saint Patrick's Day all!!!

Jamie asked us this morning What do you wish to pay attention to? heart really..I wish to hear my own true voice speaking softly to me. To be able to pay attention to what it is telling me over the din of stress and busyness. To pay attention to what my muse is whispering in my ear. I wish to pay attention to my soul,as it gently asks me to be brave and strong
enough to create and keep boundaries. I wish to pay attention to what the true me is saying to me in quiet, dark, wee hours. To pay attention and really hear. Have a wonderful week all! Namaste, Sarah

Monday, March 15, 2010

An Easter Basket MHA Giveaway..and a Few that Pleased My Eye

Our Wonderful Etsy Team of artists..Magical Holiday Artists are offering a really wonderful Easter Basket giveaway on our blog!I will have to say...I am having a hard time parting with all of the wonderful treats that they have offered for the two delightful Easter Baskets. So if you would like a chance to win one of these sweet Easter - Spring Treat baskets..please pop by our MHA blog and drop your name in the Easter bonnet!! Good luck all!!

So..I am not posting a Bee today....I am still thinking about the direction I want it to go..and I think I have an idea that you all might like. More on that soon. I hope you will join me in the new direction!

I took the wonderful advice of a dear friend this week (thank you hon). I took my camera and went out..just breathing and shooting and seeing what I could see. Here are a couple of the sweet little treats the universe offered up to me.

Do you see that little "S" in there? Yup an S just for me:)

I hope your Monday is going well..not to crazy or overwhelming. I am breathing and just trying to move along and be present a bit. I am also smiling..I hope you are too! Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Rough Week and a Smile or Two..

So it has been a really rough week...I am tired of my whining and my headache..I feel like smiling and just being over what ever is going on..for a little bit this week I got a giggle break from my sweet kit Tink.

"Geesh Mama..looks over heres..I is on the garage being goofy jus for yous!!"

Looks what I founds....beeeeeeeeees...ooop almost gots me...

Looks Mama....I found Spring Beeees.


So yeah....that made me smile..sweet kit! I just loves her!! I do!!