
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baluuuoooooooo..ooooo Maoooooooonnnnnn..

I know..some of you saw this on my photography blog..just couldn't cool! Tonight is a Blue Moon..or the second full moon in one lunar calendar month. They are rare..once in a blue moon!! I understand the next one will not be until 2028! I will be 68!
They are suppose to be lucky too! So as we start a new year and a new decade (still trying to wrap my head around that one)1-1-10 starts with a very lucky Blue Moon! That must be a good sign! So Happy New Year's Eve my friends ..see you next year! Big hugs and Namaste, Sarah

Psssssssst.....I will be posting my blogaversary giveaway tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our dear Jamie has asked us a years end question .."What do you wish for 2010"?
I have been working through this process for a couple weeks now..what to seek in the coming year. What to let go of, what to keep. What I did well in the past year and what I totally muffed. Highs and lows, joys and heartaches. I have been working towards this question. What do I wish for 2010?

One of my deepest wishes this last year has been about our home..that we might find a way or be offered a way to keep it somehow. It has been heavy on my mind for months. Today..I got an early 2010 wish granted..the owner of our home and my friend..let me know that they had worked out a way for us to stay here and in a few years time..purchase the house!! We needed more time to get to that place and they have blessed us in a huge way by offering it up! I am grateful, I am beside myself, I am feeling blessed! I am doing a ridiculously huge happy dance.

So I guess today...I feel like my wish was answered already!! So I will just be happy with that for right now and wonder at the blessing. Namaste, Sarah

Monday, December 28, 2009

Quilting Bee #37

Good morning!! I hope you all had a nice Christmas..ours was wonderful. I thought after all of the amazing feasting last week and well..more this weekend..I would keep it light today. Kona coffee, lots of wonderful teas..herbal too. I have set out lots of fruit this morning, cut and ready to munch on. Washington apples, bananas, fresh pineapple, starfruit, strawberries, blueberries, fresh oranges and Sweetheart tangerines. There is yogurt and some delicious oatmeal to put it on. Real maple syrup if you would like. Not to heavy but healthy. Oh there is some delicious whole wheat bread this morning also..fresh out of the oven..can ya smell it? Mmmmmmmmm.
I have racked a quilt full of contemplation this morning. So glad you are here today..please pull up a chair and join me!

Did you have a busy holiday season? I did..I think from September to now have just been a whirlwind. I said to Jim yesterday that I was finally relaxed and ready for Christmas and it was over. Hmmmmm...that can't be good!! I spent the last several days doing alot of not too much. I stayed off line for the most part, didn't do much frantic cleaning was done last week. I played video games with the kids, I read, I watched movies..I contemplated my year.

I took several hours this weekend and considered 2009. What had been good and not so good. I considered what I wanted for the coming year. I thought about goals. I started my yearly regrouping. I am not one to do resolutions..I guess because..they seem generic to me..loose weight...excercise..blah blah blah...I seldom keep them. But...some years ago I discovered that if I approached them goals..hopes...wants for the New Year..and I was honest with myself about them...they tended to stick. Well..most of them anyway. So I thought I might share my process with you.

I keep a journal that I work this through in each year. That way I can look back and see throughout the year where I am..if I need to regroup. If at the end of the year my goals have been achieved or do I need to rethink them. I break this brainstorming session in to two parts ....the year we are leaving and the year I am approaching. Each of these is broken in to these six areas:

Spiritual Care - How was I with my spiritual growth this last year..what did I find effective, helpful, blessed? What didn't work, what no longer felt right to me or did not speak to me any longer? Then....what would I like to work on for the following year? Is there an area I would like to explore. Where do I need to grow?

Emotional Care - Looking back at this year..did I keep the boundaries I had set for myself: physical and emotional ones? Did I stay present and honest with myself..if not where and why do I think this happened..what do I need to do this year to strengthen them and why..most importantly with who. Am I keeping a self care regimen for myself..did I remember to take care of me? I was really weak here this year! What do I plan to change and how for the following year..I tend to get very specific here.

Relationships - this one follows closely with the last one. I do a deeply honest assessment of how my relationships have gone over the last year. Not only how many but were they good..if not - why not..what were the factors if they were poor..where is the line drawn between my responsibility in them not going well and theirs. Am I in a toxic relationship that I need to shed? How do I plan to do that in the coming year. I think life gets sooooo busy sometimes, we fail to take the time to really get to the bottom of some of the toxic stuff..trying to ignore it. This is a good time to face the truth and let them go. This can also apply to groups or organizations also.

Family - This is much the same as the last one..but I think as we are dealing with family the dynamics are different. For the most part we deal with family in a different light...within limits. With the family though I tend to really review what has worked with my kiddos..even the big ones. What has failed miserably as a parent and how to do it better the next time. I think we often forget that each child is different. Despite the fact that I have children from 28 down to 6 and have taught children for years..I still muff it on a regular basis and have to regroup.
I also spend a good deal of time considering my relationship with Jim. What is working, what isn't, what could be better..what do I need to change? Am I holding resentment or anger and why? What can I do to change things on my end? This might mean I need to change my behavior or it might mean I need stronger boundaries!

Physical Care & Health- How is my health, weight, exercise, I getting in for my regular exams..if not why. What did I do this year that I enjoyed..what didn't I enjoy..Yoga, belly dancing, walking..etc.? What fired up my soul to get out and exercise! Have I lost weight..a bit..but would like to drop more? How do I feel physically, I need to get my eyes checked..etc.? do I feel? Then set some goals for the next year..what do I want to more of? Hike, meditate, Reiki..whatever makes the heart sing here!!

Business - What was successful financially this year..what did I try that worked..what do I leave behind for the next fiscal year? Did I spread myself too thin? Spend too much time on one thing..too many things? I serious look at what was affective in continuing to move ahead in our lives..forward away from the abyss not backwards. Sometimes these things are progress that cannot be measured in dollars and cents..sometimes this is exposure of who you are and what you do. It is all relative! This one takes me a bit of time to figure out where to shed and where to go.

When I have worked my way through all of this..I consider one last thing about the previous year..what did the balance look like. Here is the hard part for me..balancing it all well. I will admit, that this year was very out of balance. Sometimes this is the way it is. You start a business..time consuming, a family member is devote time there of course, you are involved in an organization, you home school, you have a new baby, or a teenager with have life. Be gentle with yourself here. But...think on how it effected you in all of the above ways. The truth here is...if you are out of wack balance wise and do not take care of you..your body and spirit will do it for you. I have had a whole year of my body and Muse screaming at me about a total lack of balance. I think as I work myself through this process this year..I am beginning to feel like my feet are under me again. That wonderful grounded feeling of finding that balance again.

Do you have a process this time of the year? Would you like to share with us what works for you?

I think I will have a bit of yogurt and blueberries and a slice of fresh bread..mmmmmmmm. I think blueberry tea today. Big, relaxed sigh! Come join me buy the fire won't you? What can I get for you?

Thank you for joining me on this last Quilting Bee of 2009! Wow..2010!! I hope you will be back next year, I do love it when you come and visit me here!! Happy New Year to each and every one of you!! Namaste, Sarah

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Bit of Exciting News and a Blogaversary Giveaway

This beautiful woman child of mine..Kate...loves this funny man Cody. We do too!

On Christmas morning after presents were opened and breakfast was devoured..we were given a wonderful treat. After being together through thick and thin for about four years now...they announced their engagement. I am over the moon..I am so excited!! I am thrilled!! They have worked very hard to make their relationship work and have finally decided to make it official!! Whoot..Mama is a happy camper!! Congratulations you two!! Happy wedding dancing!! :)

My other one year blogaversary is Jan. 3rd! A whole what a wonderful year it has been here! How blessed I am to have met you all..what amazing folks you are!! You have brought such richness to my life.

So to say thank you I am going to have a giveaway. So..sometime in the next couple of days I will be posting a couple of original pieces of artwork and maybe another sweet treat too. My way of saying thank you for all you have given me here. You bless me every do!! So keep an eye open this week for my sweet treat giveaway!! Hugs & Namaste, Sarah

I will post the Quilting Bee later this evening or in the morning:)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After.....

It was was fun..we all enjoyed Christmas. There were lost of hugs....
Alot of happy faces...

Some serious building going on..

Kate and Cody bought the family "Little Big World" with 3 new controlers so we could play four at a time. OMG that was fun!! They spoiled us they did. We are were all worn out..good fun, good folks, good Christmas. Even Tink was tired..but I am guessing it was because of Lucy Lu and Boo. Kate and Cody's sweet pooch Boo came for Christmas too..I do love Boo. So does Lucy!!

Tink..not so much. Some more fun pics tomorrow..and a bit of news!
Namaste, Sarah

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays....

May your holidays be filled with beauty and magic..

Happy homecomings...

And family..related or otherwise.

Lots of silliness and fun...

A good dose of peace...

A whole lot of calm and Om...

And that a light is always on for you somewhere....

Happy each and every one of you my have been the very best of gifts this year. Thank you for blessing me with your visits!

Namaste & Love, Sarah and the Clan

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our Jamie has asked us this morning..."What do you wish for the holiday season?" Wow, it seems simple..but it never is!

At first I thought global..we all want peace I think..then smaller and then smaller...this is a hard one so I will have to say three things. I know, I am cheating but it is almost this week I will.

I wish for a Christmas Angel for all of those families that cannot make ends meet this Christmas...that someone whispers in someone else's ear that there is a need. I wish for a Christmas Angel for each of those parents who cry each night because they have nothing to give their children. That those whispers find them and a Christmas Angel fills that need. I wish for Christmas Angels.

I wish for a special Christmas for Renee..that she may feel well and enjoy her day. That she feel the love all around her. I wish for a calm and joyful Christmas for Renee.

I wish for myself...just a break.. a few days after Christmas that is calm with not alot to do..just breathe and rest. I need a break before the New Year explodes into wonderful possibilities. I want to just step off the train for a couple of days and consider this next year. What do I really want..where would I like my path to lead? What was good this year and what do I need to leave behind? I need to meditate and just breathe for a couple of days. That would be a precious gift. I wish for a little break to breathe and meditate.

May each and every one of you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Yule ..or whatever you might celebrate..may it be joyful!
Namaste & Love, Sarah

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let Fly..."Dare"

When I saw this video on Youtube the other gave me goosebumps! All I could think was..this is exactly what I mean when I brave..step out in a leap of faith...Let Fly! I could not have offered it up more beautifully than this!! Namaste, Sarah

Monday, December 21, 2009

For Renee....

As the year closes I would like to say a special thank you to someone here on the blogs. Many of you know Renee as she touches so very many lives. I stumbled upon Renee's blog Circling My Head quite by accident one day many months ago. I was so taken by her honesty and spirit, I ended up going back and reading previous posts for a couple of hours. I cried, I laughed I was deeply touched by her. So I left a comment..she left one back. We emailed and chatted, I sent Reiki...she sent me a lifeline. Somehow I think I got the better of the deal.

You see in my almost year of blogging Renee had offered me something amazing, beautiful and rare in my life..she offered me wings. She told me truth when I needed to hear it and sent me encouragement at just the right time. She helped me see who I could be if I was just brave enough. So...I was brave and Let Fly with the words and the art and photography. She was right of course..there was a new person under those ducky feathers..there was a swan. I never knew she was there with those big beautiful silky wings..but Renee knew. This is where the my award came from..her words to me..

"Sarah, you have gone from Mental Duck to Mental Swan!"

What was even more amazing to me... when I found them she made it OK for me to flap around with them and learn to use them and most be proud of them. Renee has taught me to love & value myself. That has made me strong and brave and has gently led me to my True North..myself. Thank you hon so very much!

Right now my dear Renee is fighting a new battle with her cancer. She is uncomfortable and it is my turn to support her up a bit. It is my place to be the strong one for her. She taught me to fly with these big wings...I wanted her to know that they are gently wrapped around her in love. I wanted you to know how very dear to me she is and what amazing things she has done in my life. I wanted to say...
That I am blessed to know her and call her friend.

Renee, this Mental Swan loves you. Big Gentle Swan hugs! Feel better hon and know I am here for you!

If you have a moment today to go give her some love...I would be so very grateful. Thank you!
Namaste and love, Sarah

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Quilting Bee #36

Good Morning all!! I thought I might do the Quilting Bee on Sundays if that is ok with you!! Mondays seem to get a bit crazy these days and I like to sit and relax with you all! Well we are almost there... Christmas in a couple of did that happen??? I think I am almost done with gift shopping and making..I have knitting blisters...well more like calluses..LOL!! The fire is blazing and the hand warmers are all ready with a few comfy quilts for those who are chilled.

I have set out some muffins this morning..I know we have those often..but I love them. Banana and banana nut, blueberry, almond and lemon poppy seed, maple frosted, cinnamon apple, carrot cake with frosting, bran raisin, chocolate chip and chocolate frosted, orange and plain lemon. Oh I do love muffins! I have asked Sarah (not me) my favorite barrista to pop by and bring Lattes..what would you like. Oh she has the most delicious Chai and regular teas too..pick your poison!! So let us pull up a chair and start quilting!! So glad you have joined me today!!

I was thinking this week about what defines me as a person. What experiences make me...well me. Are they the good things that happen to us or the painful things? How has my life determined my path and who has given me those lessons? I think in general we like to think we are defined by the good we experience in our lives..the happy things, the good luck , the joyful parts of life. I think that is true to some extent. But if I were has been the rough stuff that has created the person in me that I like. The deeper, stronger more solid part of who I am at 49.

I have so many things that have created pure joy in my life, like my children, my artwork, my camera, my teaching. One joyful thing that has defined me of late is my Reiki. Taking my First Degree Reiki was truly life changing for me. I didn't expect it, as healing in one way or another has always been part of me. As I have mentioned in the past I am a bit empathic and tend to read people extremely well. But after I took the Reiki training..something shifted. I am now reading physical well being as well. Very strange and surprising...but wonderful and it defines me and strengthens me in good ways.

I think often what defines us is pain and suffering..that is if you let it. See there is the rub. So often we are in such a rush to step away..ok run away from painful experiences in our lives..we miss the gift they offer. Sometimes those gifts are much more valuable that those offered by joy. I have always loved the term Steeled by Fire. The process of taking steel and heating and folding it, then pounding it out over and over again to create a fine tool. Like a Katana..amazing Japanese swords. A fine tool..yes isn't that what we are suppose to be...fine tools? To become a fine tool we have to be put in the fire and shaped..strength by fire. Otherwise we stay a chunk of steel. Does this mean we go looking for a fire to jump into? No, I think we get into enough fires without any jumping. But a fine tool..I want to be one of those. Beautiful and full of strength.

I am defined by so many fires in my life..some I understood the lesson right away and some came with time..I am guessing I missed quite a few along the way too. I have experienced divorce, domestic violence, emotional abuse, poverty, the loss of everything I owned, my daughters separated from me for long stretches of time, I have had many folks with mental illness around me, children with learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers are drawn to me. I have also lost people I love to cancer and illness. I have been steeled by fire..I am also OK with that. None of it was fun..but there is a joy in this..I promise there is.

When I read posts here by you as you are going through these things..I feel your pain..deep down inside..I understand. That is the gift that hard times offer you, that pain offers you. Understanding... deep down in your soul understanding. That is what turns those painful, down on your knees days into joy. That is the joy I am given here everyday as I read your blogs and get to know you. As I read about your joy and your pain, about your love and loss..about you. That is the gift you offer me here as well..when you relate, love on, laugh with me and support me up. You are my gift. Thank you!

So today, please share with me what defines your soul! What makes you the beautiful you that I know? What joy and pain makes you a gift?

I think I will have a double shot, skinny, creme de menthe latte, no whip and a chocolate muffin. Thank you all for being such wonderful gifts to me this year! What a wonderful thing to find under my tree this!! May you all have a wonderful Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, whatever you may celebrate, may it be filled with peace and joy! Namaste, Sarah

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Busy Friday....

On Friday morning each week I have the privilege of helping in Fox & Nonni's classrooms. Both are blessed with wonderful teachers this year. I have not been able to participate in school stuff for several years being able to this year is huge for me.
I took about 580 shots yesterday of Nonni's party. So many parents can't make it to the party. So I make a CD for the folks who want one. I only charge a couple of bucks to cover my cost. I will whittle the # down by about half and edit them. Too much fun and great practice for me!! Here are a couple of Nonni. Love the reindeer peanut butter and jelly!! Giggle!

Fox was not pleased with me..I have Mama guilt! His party was during the only hour during Friday that I could not be there. I have guilt! I am thinking I will be playing two player video games on the PS2 today..alot!! I know twist my arm!!

Happy Saturday all, Sarah

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I Am A Very Lucky Girl..X2

It must be my lucky month..really lucky..which is amazing for me and enlightening. I am always trying to pay attention to synchronicity.. how things fit together. These two things not only caught my attention but thrilled me. Super Merry Christmas to me!! Whoot!! Karen offered this amazing giveaway...I me!

Unraveling:Ways of seeing myself, Susannah Conway's wonderful 8 week online class! Not only do I love Karen's wonderful blog..she has been a dear friend this year and a great support. Another blog you really need to visit!! You will be glad you did!!
This is what Susannah said about the class..
These definitely won’t be self-portraits in the traditional sense – we’ll be using the camera as a tool to unlock how we see not only ourselves but also the world we live in, including the immediate surrounds of our homes, places of work and our friends and family. This eight-week course will include:

Weekly photo assignments
Twice-weekly writing exercises
Weekly videos from Susannah
Group connecting on the private discussion boards

To say I am thrilled is an understatement!! Thank you Karen..that just does not seem like enough. I'll add a big hug too!!

Jan at Awake is Good, has given me a wonderful treat..this wonderful book by Michael Mirdad! I am so thrilled to read this amazing book by such a wonderful teacher!! I have just discovered this amazing man through Jan and am greatly looking forward to learning what he has to offer!

Whoot..thank you Jan!! I am happy dancin'!!! Seriously I am gonna hug you too..can ya feel it?If you have not visited Jan's blog..I would encourage you to..not only is she a joy and an amazing teacher..but she offers it up with a beautiful heart and I adore both her and her blog!!

I am a lucky girl..I am!! Namaste, Sarah

Wishcast Wednesday...

Our fearless leader, Jamie has asked us this morning "What do you wish to give?" Again a question I have to stop and think about. This is one I will have to answer in two parts I think.

I wish to give others encouragement. I have so enjoyed my last year of blogging. I have found such amazing people. I have been given so very much here in terms of wonderful friendships, encouragement, shoulders to cry on, cheese with my whine. so important. I would love to continue to have opportunities here to give support. To give new artists encouragement and help them figure out what to do next with their talents. To help folks find their True North, whatever that may be. To just maybe help them stay on the path with a hug or a chat. I wish to continue to be given opportunities to offer support.

The other thing that popped up right away was my artwork and photography. I want to be able to to give the viewer something when they see my work. I want to reach in and make them smile. To create some sort of positive emotion. Warm the heart.
I have never been fond of artwork that makes me cringe..I understand the need for it..I do. There is a need for this in the world. I know the need to express oneself on canvas, anger, sadness, grief. I do understand. But it has never been me to do this..I always seem to come from a different place when I create. I wish to give folks who own or view my work, a moment of warmth in their soul. Some joy, a that too much to wish for? I hope not..that is what I wish to give.. a bit of myself in my art..the part that makes you smile and warms your heart.

Namaste, Sarah

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It is Finally Snowin'.....whoo hoo!!

Well... we finally got some snow!! Whoo hoo and happy dancin in my snow boots!! Here is a shot up our street.

It is very chilly..I love this frozen ice did it get there??? Just hanging right there on the branch like that?

When it gets cold out I want to sew and knit. My tubbies full of yarn and fabric get dragged out...oooo I love it. I can't show you the artwork I am working on this I thought I would share some more photos with ya.

Here is my latest project..Nonni wanted leg warmers. Totally my girl..I adore leg warmers. Wore them for years even when they were not in fashion. I guess it comes from all of those years of dance!

Here is a picture of the whole village I managed to not give away last year..I seldom keep things for myself. But I really liked the way these little houses turned out. So I kept them..just for me!

Have a wonderful Tuesday all!! Namaste, Sarah

Monday, December 14, 2009


That it was this easy...This morning I crawled out of my cozy spot under my down comforter (bartered for that sweet thing!),I wandered out and fired up my computer. Within ten minutes I was in panic mode as spyware had invaded my computer and completely locked everything up. I couldn't get onto the Internet or run my security to rid myself of it. It shut down my help there...Ackkkkkkk.

Three hours and several trips around through the back door of my was kind of like falling down Alice's rabbit hole.

I managed to find the little sucker and rout him out of his trench..long enough to run my Windows Defender put the nasty little thing in quarantine. Then I rangled up a Stinger online and flushed out the rest of those nasty little spywares...all 12 of them!!!!!

I think tonight I am finally breathing again...I do not like my Mondays to start like this!! Have a computer safe evening all:) Hugs, Sarah

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Quilting Bee #35's cold outside..really cold outside! We are expecting snow today...whoo hoo!! So very glad you are here today! I have the cabin all warmed up and the fire is crackling!! Hand warmers are in the basket by the fire..go warm up and cozy! More hot cocoa, Kona coffee and tea are ready to pour. I have skillet breakfasts ready to go today. Add what every you would like...potatoes, eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, onions, mushrooms, spinach, name it we have it..of course sour cream and cheeses to top it off. A good hearty holiday breakfast this morning. I have racked a quilt full of twist and turns and surprises today. Please pull up a chair and join me!!

I feel like I have been in a fog for a month or so..kind of like writers block..sort of. What I wanted to share with you just seemed blocked behind all of the stuff in my life. I felt my Quilting Bee's were repeating themselves..dull..without the spark I wanted to offer you. So I sat down with my muse and asked her....what's I done with the Bees..have I offered up all I have there?? She laughed at me, she did!! After a long chat here by the fire...she told me this....

" are spread too thin, it's time for you to shed a bit."

Oh....I knew right away what she meant..I did..I have been fighting it. Fighting it hard. Change..I have to change...ackkkk. Regroup and refigure my time and what I can reasonably fit into it. I have packed my life with so many amazing activities this year. Truly it shocked me as I filter through the last year. How many wonderful people have blessed my life! I have to shed some of that??? I know I do I know? That scattered, frustrated feeling..and guilt. Guilt that I am not taking care of the folks that have blessed me as I run about like a chicken with my head cut off. My muse is right ...I need to shed and regroup.

When I started selling my artwork online a year and a half or so was all on Ebay. I was invited to join several groups there..I love the groups on Ebay. I love the folks there..I do. To be frank the economy has hit Ebay hard. That an the fact that Ebay has added several new rules and changes that make it hard for the little guy there. I know many artists are doing well there still. I for one have not had a good year on Ebay. Dismal really. What I have sold have been eaten up by higher fees. So slowly but surely..I kinda just stopped selling there. To be honest I don't think it was an active just happened. Talk about not being self aware.

I did decide this summer to focus more time on Etsy. This Fall Sherry Byrum (whom I adore) and I decided to start a Team there. What a pure joy that has been. This included a blog and a Ning networking site. Work and time yes..but wow what an amazing group of artists!! Many of them are friends from Ebay!! I adore that. We have over 80 members!!! Wow. To do the Team right I need to be there and on top of things more. Guilt.

I think of anything I have done online that has fed my heart and soul it is here. I have been touched, befriended, loved on, praised, offered shoulders and advice, blessed, healed, inspired, encouraged and given a pair of swan wings that I just love. Thank you Renee! And my sisters..are blogging too..who could have known!? Whoo hoo! I love these Bees I do. The blessing for me..that you actually respond to what I write. Me writing.. weekly..who would have guessed a year ago?? Certainly not me!!

My artwork has taken on a life of it's own..telling me what is coming next..what styles to use. Clearly my pens have taken over there!! I love this too..I do! The photography...OMG I cannot tell you what huge joy that has brought to my life!!

So..what's wrong you ask? I have to do as my muse directs..because she is right. In all this wonder, I have become fragmented to the point that I can no longer focus on the path..I keep wandering off of it..daily. That path to my True North. As I wander..everything suffers. Nothing is getting done as I want it my expectations. Being the creative, organized person I am..this has made me blue, teary and cranky! My family need me to be more when it is their turn for me..I am present with them!

This month I have been a scattered wreck. My Muse is is time to shed a bit, painful as it is. I am letting go of a few groups groups I am in, to focus on the Etsy Team and my art sales there. I will step away from things in my life that no longer feed and nurture me. Sometimes for some of us, that includes people too. I will be focusing on my blogs and those that I mod here. Focusing on the folks who have made my first year here a joy and a blessing. Most definitely the artwork and photography. I feel lighter already..I do. I feel my true voice coming back to me.

Sometimes in the course of a year we gather things to us. Wonderful beautiful things, horrid, painful things. What we forget to do is stop along the way and take them out of our pack and set them aside and move on without them. We become burdened down with the weight of things we do not need. My goal this next year is simple. Stop now and again and chat with my she can remind me to breathe, regroup and shed. Sometimes to remain on your true path you have to say no and let go.

So this morning I would love for you to share with me what you need to shed this December? Before the new year flys in. What do you want to keep? What is your Muse, your Soul, you Spirit asking of you? Let Fly!

OK...I think I will have a veggie skillet with some delicious Kona Coffee. Thank you for joining me today..what a blessing you have been to me this year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Namaste, Sarah

Post Script...
You may have noticed that I have posted a piece of my artwork today instead of a quilt. Over the last ten months I have tried to feature beautiful quilts and link it to their blogs or websites. I have received several not so happy emails from folks upset that I have featured their quilt without permission. I understand this on one hand..I do. On the other I guess I felt like I was sending folks their way. Which was good..I thought. Anyway..I have come to the decision..that it is happening too often..angry quilters. So I will just say..if you have an quilt pic. or an artwork pic.created by you, that you would like to have featured and linked to your blog or website..please send it my way with your link...:)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cabin Fever..Look What We Saw.....

Today..after a week of frigid temps and illness in the house..we decided that all were doing well and we needed a trip out of the house. We are fortunate enough here in Coeur d Alene to have a special migration fly through each year about this time. Can ya see his tail in the above picture?

Here he's a bit closer here...

Oh that's better....

Look at that..Bald Eagles!! Two males and a female!!

This year with a car we are able to go and look!!

Amazing creatures aren't they!! What a pure joy to see them in the wild!!

They are after this..a bit of salmon.

I know ewww but look at the teeth on that bad boy!!

We had some serious fun and I was in camera heaven. I have camera envy..I do..if you want to see some amazing shots of these eagles. Taken by a couple at the same time as mine. Click Here!! They were shooting with much better lenses than mine and what beautiful work!!! Missi was sweet enough to stop and show me the samon for a few macro shots! Thanks hon!!
Have a warm weekend, Sarah

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Bit of Christmas and Some Bling...

Despite the illness running through the house...we did manage to get some of our Christmas finery up! I love this little Santa..not one I created but so cute!

This piece is one of mine..from a set of little houses I created last year..I did manage to keep a couple that I liked. I think I did about 40 of them! Here is the little is about 2"s high.

Some of you may know that my hubby Jim is a Rock man..a Mineralogist in fact.

I have alot of fun trying to catch these bits of bling in macro shots.

The colorless ones challenge me.

What does my hubby want for Christmas..a whole other kind of more should see the basement!! He is pretty easy to shop for though!!

So Jim might just get his rocks all tied up in a bow. Uhmm that just sounded wrong didn't it.....giggle...ehemmm..sorry...