Saturday, December 19, 2009

Busy Friday....

On Friday morning each week I have the privilege of helping in Fox & Nonni's classrooms. Both are blessed with wonderful teachers this year. I have not been able to participate in school stuff for several years being able to this year is huge for me.
I took about 580 shots yesterday of Nonni's party. So many parents can't make it to the party. So I make a CD for the folks who want one. I only charge a couple of bucks to cover my cost. I will whittle the # down by about half and edit them. Too much fun and great practice for me!! Here are a couple of Nonni. Love the reindeer peanut butter and jelly!! Giggle!

Fox was not pleased with me..I have Mama guilt! His party was during the only hour during Friday that I could not be there. I have guilt! I am thinking I will be playing two player video games on the PS2 today..alot!! I know twist my arm!!

Happy Saturday all, Sarah


CiCi said...

Take it easy on yourself, Sarah. You were able to participate in one school event and had to miss another one. You can only do what you can do. And what you do is amazing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

How wonderful are the bright shining eyes of a child having fun!

Emmy said...

Glad you were able to go. And I am sure the parents will greatly appreciate the pictures.

Wildflowerhouse said...

That is so nice of you to make those CD's for absent parents. That means so much to them I am sure. Your children are beautiful. Have fun playing games today.LOL Sarah thanks for your well wishes, I am feeling better but no energy yet. I am determined to decorate today.Hope to post pics by tomorrow night.Happy holidays to you and yours! Sharon

Kat_RN said...

Enjoy while you can, before long, they may not want you to come to their classes. (Don't worry, that is a temporary stage).

Christine said...

Your Nonni and Fox are beautiful children!


Unknown said...

I think I'll just sit here and smile Sarah.....

holdingmoments said...

Lovely shots Sarah.
Good of you to do CD's for the other parents too.
I'm sure Fox will forgive you when he beats you on the PS2 lol

Cindy said...

Nonni and Fox are beautiful, congratulations on your previous post. very cool my friend. merry christmas.